Every Rose Has Its Thorn: Chapter Sixteen

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"Rose." The name was blurry in my ears, but the voice was familiar. I stirred and tried to find the voice. It sounded close to me, but I just couldn't reach it. "Rose." There it was again! THe voice was so clsoe and I wanted it. I wanted to ind out who it was. I longed for it. All I could see was black though Black, Black and more Black. I realyl hated that color. It was to dreary and sad, pink was a much better color, or purple, or red. Actually anything was better than black. Well, gray and white kinda give off the same thing as black. "Rosalie." My fulll name in the voice. I couldn;t see him! I wanted to know who it was....it sounded sooo familiar. My eye sight started to clear and I started to get a clearer image.

"Xzander!" I whispered when I found the face of my werewolf boyfriend. HE chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Sleeping Beauty awakes." I brobably blushed, but who cares. I should have known who it was. I know that voice....something must be horribly wrong with me.

"U, I probably look horrible." I said, speaking the truth. Xzander smiled and chuckled, and kiss my forehead.

"I don't care how you look. I was so worried for you, Rose. Don't ever do that to me ever again." Worry crossed Xzander's beautiful face. As I thought about it I started to feel bad about it. Being his mateI knew he could feel my emotions. Expecially if they were as strong as they were when I was in the hospitals...I hate hospitals.

"I'm sorry....Xzander have you heard anything about Mia?" I asked, hoping I would get the answer I wanted. I knew I wouldn't becuase Xzanders face got sad. I let out a breath and tried not to let the tears role down my face.

"Mia...is alright, but other people are not." He must have saw the confusion on my face because he hurried on and continued. "Other people were in the crash. People behind her crashed as well. Mia has been confined. The crash she caused killed 3 people. Two were adults...but one was a nine year old little girl." I gaped at him. That...that seemed un likley. Mia loved kids how could she actually cause one's death? Not only the child, but the other two adults! They didn't deserve to die either. Oh god. I wanted to bury my face in my hands, but I was unable to move. The IV's they had running were restraining me. That was actaully a really good thing.

"What are they going to do with her?" I was able to choke out. Xzander looked down an I could tell he was feeling the pain I was feeling right now. How could Mia be so stupid?

"They are going to take her in front of her court. They are treating this as a murder. They consider this a murder becuase this is her fault. I am so sorry Rose. I really am." My tears blinded me, I couldn; believe this was happening. Mia...sweet Mia who has been my best friedn forever was being charged of murder. Tears leaked out of my eyes and down my face.

"It's all god damn Josh's fault." I growled. I swear I never cuss , but this...this was making me mad and I couldn;t help it. Xzander's face turned grave. Than he looked away than back at me. 'What? Xzander do  you know something I don't?" I demanded

"There is actually something you should know." Xzander said nervously. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like this at all.

"Josh.....Josh was ordered to leave Mia alone." I opened my mouth to protest but Xzander started before I had a chance "Josh is a descendent from the werewolf gene that runs through our blood. His father was a werewolf and he was phased the last weekend. well...Josh is not safe to be around anyone. No new werewolf is." Xzanders voice was a whisper. He didn't want others to here the precies secret.

"So...Josh is forced away from hsi girlfriend jsut becuae he was forced into a life he proabbly dosn't want? Thats stupid! Thats agaisnt free will!" I exclaimed. Xzander tried to shush me, but I was to angry. The werewolves were doing this to Mia.

"Rose, baby. I understand this is horrible for you and I am so sorry Mia got turned into this. I can't change it, but if I could I would. THe only thing I can do is atempt to talk to my Alpha." I gritted my teeth. My eyes narrowed as the anger boiled within me.

"I want to talk to him." I said through my gritted teeth, Xzander looked taken back. He stared at me wide eyes.

"Baby, I don't think thats a good idea....Daniel has a huge temper and he won't liek ti one bit. I can't let anything happen to you." Xzander turned sad angain and I blinked. I didn't care if this Daniel had a temper. He was messing with my best friend and whenyou mess with my best friends you mess with me. And that is defiantly not ok with me.

"I don't care. I want to talk to him." I told Xzander, my boyfriends shoulders slumped in defeat as he looked at me. My face was as fierce as I could make it.

"Alright. I'll talk to him and organize somthing. For right now you need to rest and get better." Xzander settled himself in the chair next to me. He held my hand tightly. He leaned over and pressed his lips gently to mine. I wa so lost in the kss that I didn;t even here the door fky open. I did here the gasp and the familiar voice yell.

"Holy Crap!"

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. i know I have been slackig alot on ut and I am so sorry! Please forgive me! Love ya guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2012 ⏰

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