Every Rose Has it's Thorn: Chapter Seven

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                Hey guys it’s Liss. As most of you noticed I changed this story to a werewolf story. A lot of people have PMed me to as if Rose was a werewolf. NO Rose is not a werewolf. Other characters are. Some might have figured it out, but others haven’t so I am not going to tell you who the werewolves are and PLEASE, do not post who you think it is/know who it is. That will just ruin the story for people. Anyway here is chapter seven of Every Rose Has It’s Thorn.

                Coach stood in front of us. Pacing us with her clipboard behind her back. You could tell she was very nervous. This was the rival game. Edison was rivals with every team, but when the Chargers and Lions dueled it out you never knew what was going to happen. Coach actually had hope this year.  We already saw the Charger girls and they were flipping tall. I swear some of them might be taller than the net….ok so I was over doing it, but still they were HUGE!

                “Alright girls. The game starts in 5. Do your best and be accurate. No one knows what these girls are going to try and pull tonight. You don’t show them you are scared or intimidated by them. Yes I do know how tall they are, but do not show them you are scared. They will take you as weaklings. I am pretty sure Rose did not train you to be taken as weak. I laughed, the thing about coach was she was not afraid to admit that I am the one who trains the girls, kind of like cheerleading, but actually Cheerleading was worse because sometimes coach didn’t even show up.

                “That’s right girls. We are way too good to be put down as weak. I will not stand for it. You girls have amazing talent and that is nothing to ignore. So lets get out there and show those Chargers what Lions can do!” I said, my voice was strong and I sounded like a leader. We all put our hands in the middle.

                “1, 2, 3, Go Lions. Break!” We all yelled and as we walked up to the gym. The Charger girls were already in their attention. As we walked in people cheered and clapped. The Charger girls glared at us with smirks a crossed their faces. Team captions wore a different jersey than the others. The other caption and I had to shake hands over the net. Than the battle started. We hit the ball over the net back and forth.. It was quite a boring game if you asked me. The score was quite interesting as well.

19 to 18

They were winning by one point. We had to make it to 25. The caption of their team smirked at me as she sent the ball souring through the air. Straight at me. I braced myself to hit the ball. She thought she hit the ball to hard for me, this girl had something to learn about me. I could do anything she could do. I bumped the ball with everything I had and it went souring through the air right out into the crowd. Someone caught it. My team cheered, it was tied game now and I was determined to win this game. The Chargers have gone on for way to long. Finally the final match. We had to win by two and we just needed one more score.

24 to 22

We needed one more, just one more and we would finally be the victory team to bring the Chargers down. It was our serve and my turn to serve. I watched the girls cautiously. I have never been this nervous at a game before. It was kind of scary.  I searched the crowd and caught the deep brown eyes of my gym teacher. Mr. Miller. I saw the excitement in his eyes as I brought my arm back to hit the ball. I grunted as I hit the ball with my full force. It flew a crossed the room again flying high above the net. The Chargers tried to hit it, by they were too short. I couldn’t help but laugh as it hit the ground. We beat the chargers. The girls surrounded me and we cheered and laughed. We laughed as we drank from our water bottles and watched the other girls pout. Coach looked happier than any of us.

                “Good job Rose! You knocked those serves out of this world! You all did amazing tonight!” She gasped, her red hair flying everywhere.

                “Good job McCarthy.” I jumped as someone came up behind me. I looked and found myself looking into Mr. Millers eyes.

                “Thanks Mr. Miller.” I smiled

                “Come take a walk with me.” I was surprised by his statement, but I didn’t deny it. We walked into his office.

                “You did amazing McCarthy. You really did, in my years of watching volleyball I have never seen someone that dedicated and that good.” I smiled and felt proud of his compliment.

                “Thank you Mr.-“He cut me off

                “Call me Xzander.” My eyes widened. I have never called a teacher by their first name ever. I couldn’t disobey though. I nodded still shocked of his decision.

                “Alright, thank you Xzander.” I smiled he came closer to me. Something sparkled in his eyes. My heart sped up at his closeness.

                “You have no idea how special you are Rosalie.” I was backed up against his desk now. He was oh so close to me. Everything banished from my mind. I forgot that  he was a teacher, forgot that he was older than me. I forgot all the important things to remember. All I could think about was him. He was a god, I am not going overboard there and I promise you that. He was amazing in every single way. I hardly knew him, but still I knew some stuff. Before I could protest I felt warm lips cover mine. Xzander Miller, my physical education teacher kissed me.

Major cliffhanger. I know it is still early In the story, but there is still a lot more to come. I really hope you like it. What do you think Rose’s reaction will be? Anyway. Please give me feedback. Oh and Banners are welcome for this story. Post them on my message board or any where else you can. I will dedicate a chapter.

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