My head was pounding. My whole body was aching, in fact. I couldn't move. My eyelids were heavy and nothing but the pain occupied my mind. I heard a ringing in my ears, which made me cringe even more. I slowly pulled my eyes open, still lying frozen. I could feel the cold concrete with the back of my hands, which were stained red. I might have been crying but to be honest, I wasn't sure. I wanted to cry though.
The sky was dark, so it must have been nighttime. The dim street light was bright enough to reveal the dusty bricks around me. It looked like an alleyway to me, but why in the world would I wake up in an alleyway half-conscious? I attempted to heave myself up but the pain was mind-numbing. I lifted my fingers to my temple instinctively. I was able to drag my body enough to rest up against the wall. I could smell the rubble and dry blood enter my nose. It was so sickening I wanted to gag.
I was breathing heavily and my chest burned like a heavy fire. As much as my mind was able to analyze the pain, I couldn't recollect what had happened. Flashes popped in my mind of dark grey and blinding white colors. The smell of chemicals were still burned into my skin and clothes.
Something happened. Something bad. And it frustrated me that I couldn't remember what it was. I must have been kidnapped somehow because I didn't recognize the area around me. It seemed like some part of New York from the looks of it. And the smell of it.
Whoever took me must have left but I didn't want to wait to find out. I was spooked to say the least. I concentrated real hard on the pain contained in my head, and the more I concentrated, the less it hurt. That was new.
From my other abilities, I've never been able to heal a pain like that. Probably because I've never been in pain like that. My powers are probably what kept me alive, even though I felt mostly dead.
I glared at my knuckles which were coated with dried blood, meaning I must have been laying there for a while. I'm guessing I put up one heck of a fight to whoever did this to me.
But why would anyone want me? I've always been very secretive of my powers, mostly because I don't know exactly what I can do. I was born with these special abilities and it came as quite a surprise to my parents. They weren't exactly specialized in children with unpredictable powers, but they tried their best. I showed them that I could move things with my mind, and they taught me how to get things off of high shelves. They kept it simple like that.
Deep down, they were afraid to find out what I could do. I don't blame them. So they decided to keep my powers at a minimum and never went any further. I respected their judgement and stuck to what I knew. It was probably better that way. Besides, it would probably drive me nuts too having someone constantly reading my mind.
But whoever found me must have known who I was. There was no other explanation than a random violent mugging, but I would have remembered that. This was something different. Someone definitely planned this.
I placed my palm against the wall and pulled myself up. My whole body felt weak, but it subsided as I backed up the alleyway. I was shaking uncontrollably and my nerves were shot. I'm usually very mentally stable but I couldn't count on my powers now. Emotionally controlled states are something we steered clear of. When you are at peace it's easier to control yourself. When you're shaking violently after being beaten half-to-death, it's not considered an emotionally-safe state of mind. But I guess you wouldn't exactly know that.
My heart was racing when I sensed footsteps coming closer to me. They were big steps. Two men. Two men were approaching me and I was trapped in a maze of alleyways. My mind was too full to concentrate from where they were coming from. I counted my breathes as fast as I could and calmed myself.
The footsteps were getting closer.
I closed my eyes and relaxed.
This way.
I shot my head out and turned to my left. Two manly shadows approached as I held my hand out. I wasn't stable, but I was ready.
I heard mumbles, but I couldn't sense what they were saying.
My hands were sweating and my knees were about to buckle under me. I wouldn't have been surprised if I passed out then and there.
The shadows were getting bigger and bigger until I could physically hear them breathing.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled, trying to keep myself from breaking down. I raised a hand but was met with another hand raised to me.
"Hey hey, easy. We won't hurt you, we want to help you," a tall blonde man kept his palm up level to mine. Another man stayed close behind him. He was a shorter brunette, carrying what seemed to be...arrows?
"Don't come any closer," my voice said shakily, trying to sound somewhat intimidating.
The taller blonde looked back and nodded to the shorter one. One reached behind him and set a shield on the ground, the other laid down a pack of arrows and a bow. They both raised their hands and stared me in the eyes silently.
The senses that I was feeling changed. I no longer felt a threatening presence. I didn't feel like a target. I tried to read the taller blonde and saw his mind was innocent. Pure. He was a trusting figure. I could see his personality through his eyes.
These weren't my captors. They were anything but that.
I lowered my hand and held it back at my side. The faces on the two men soften slightly as I did.
"Will you come with us?" he asked, trying to stay calm.
My heart froze again. There was no need to doubt them anymore, but I could sense something from both of them. They were scared.
Of me.
Even if I wanted to, I couldn't clear my mind enough to focus my power onto them. But they didn't know that. They still saw me as a threat. Unless they knew who I was, why would they see a weak, broken girl as a threat?
It was an impulse decision, but I needed answers. It was going to be difficult to remain calm, but I had faith in these guys that whoever they were, they'd be able to help me.

Unlimited || Bucky Barnes
FanfictionHer powers were uncontrollable, but could even the great Avengers help her? Darby Whitmore is a young woman who was born with incredible powers, and they are stronger than she knows. When she is taken in by the Avengers, their next mission is her. ...