I rushed to the elevator and told Jarvis to bring me to the post-operation room where all the guys were being kept. I stood behind the door and took a couple deep breaths. I timidly pushed the doors open and wandered to the first room, Sam glaring at me.
I looked down at my feet and my cheeks felt hot. My hands were getting clammy and I was prepared for Sam to yell at me and tell me how stupid and reckless I was. I took a deep breath and took another step forward, rubbing my hands together.
"I'm so sorry Sam, I should have-"
"No Darby, it was my fault. I should have stayed calm," Sam insisted, his face softening. "If I would have chilled for a second, you wouldn't have crashed caused the jet to malfunction," he shook his head at himself.
Why can't anybody accept that I did in fact have a part in this? There's nothing that they could tell me that I haven't told myself. I know that this was all my fault. The jet, Steve getting shot, Bucky. Everything. Yet no one cares to admit it. Or they were too afraid to.
"I heard you landed the quinjet by yourself after you knocked us out. That's quite impressive for someone who had a break down a second before," Sam grinned.
I didn't want to believe it, but I nodded politely and kept my head low. Soft scraping against the floor entered my ears from behind me.
"Darby!" Steve cried, rolling himself into Sam's room.
"Steve!" I replied, rapidly turning towards him and squatting so I was eye level. "Are you okay? How are you?" I mumbled, touching his arm and then grasping his hand with both of mine.
"I'm fine," Steve laughed. "Super-soldier healing, remember?" he gestured, shrugging his shoulders.
"Of course, how could I forget?" I smiled, patting him on the hand.
Steve looked into my eyes and knew exactly what I was going to ask. It was nice when other people knew what you were thinking, especially if it's always the other way around.
"Bucky is down the hall. He hasn't stopped asking for you," Steve nodded, pointing to the third door on the right.
I nodded and stood out of my position. I waved to Sam and went back into the hallway. My heartbeat was echoing in my ears the way my footsteps echoed through the hallway.
I positioned my head in the direction Bucky's room. I turned the corner and saw the same muscular soldier that so effortlessly calmed me many times before.
A bright smile crept across his face and I forgot about everything I was feeling. My heart was pounding seeing his face again, not nearly as pale as he was before. His breathing matched up to mine and I stood there in a trance longer than I realized.
"Are you gonna come here?" he joked, motioning me towards him.
I shuffled to the other side of the white bed but stopped before I could place myself in his arms.
"What?" he raised an eyebrow. "You won't hurt me-"
"You cut your hair," I interrupted, his face changing after hearing the opposite of what he expected. I placed my hand on his forehead and grazed my hand through his hair. He hummed and held his head back slightly. I stopped short when he winced and grabbed my hand. Before I could apologize, he shook his head and held my hand.
"They cut my hair for the operation. The matted blood made it hard to get through, especially since my hair was so long. So they chopped it off," he smiled. The blue in his eyes lit up when he found me being mesmerized again. It made me surprisingly cheerful to see his hair cut, hopefully erasing more memories of Hydra as a result.
"I think you're more handsome with short hair, in all honesty," I teased, rubbing my thumb against his.
"So I wasn't as good-looking with long hair?" he raised a sly eyebrow.
"You were handsome before, don't get me wrong. Now it just makes it easier to see all of you," I smiled, leaning my body closer to him.
When we thought things were getting better, we remembered the day's events. I drew myself back a little bit, but his grip on my hand increased.
"Before you apologize for hurting me, I want you to hear me out," Bucky started. "This was my fault. I shouldn't have left you in the first place, and when I came at you, you attacked in defense. I remember it all. You warned me. I heard you, but I couldn't do anything about it. I could see your face, so scared to hurt me," he traced his fingers over my neck where slight marks were engraved from his hand. "So I don't want you to say anything, but I just want to say I'm sorry."
"Accept my apology Darby Whitmore," he pointed a finger to me.
I sighed in defeat and smiled at him.
"I accept your apology Bucky. I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I lost you," I whispered, drawing closer to him once more. I rubbed the back of my hand against his cheek and focused my breathing. Even mentioning the possibility of losing Bucky made my chest feel tight.
"And I thought I lost you. But you're here now, you're safe," he smiled reassuringly.
I stood up and looked to the window.
"It's getting late, you should get some rest," I mumbled, knowing that I was going to have to go back to my room alone. I would have to sleep in my room alone. I tried to release my hand from his grip but he just held on tighter.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To bed?" I furrowed my brows, shaking my head in confusion.
"No you're not. You're gonna sleep here with me," he retaliated.
"What are you talking about?"
"Well after what happened, I can't possibly take my eyes off you now. I have to stay with you in case you have a nightmare," he smirked, trying his best to keep a straight face.
"You just want to watch me sleep don't you?" I grinned, slowly lifting a leg on the bed next to Bucky.
He laughed and pulled me so I was slightly laying on his chest. I laid my head down do I could hear his heart beat, thumping against my ear rhythmically. He ran his fingers through my hair and my eyes shut with every tickle on my scalp.
"Who wouldn't want to look at you?" he smiled.
His words left my cheeks red and my smile as wide as his. I peered one eye open and looked into his soft crystalic eyes.
"I'm not sure if that's sweet or creepy," I giggled, wrapping an arm around him and pulling his body into mine, our bodies fitting like a puzzle piece.
"Either way, I get to look at the prettiest girl I know," he whispered, laying a soft kiss on my forehead.
"You are such a dork," I whispered back before slowing drifting into a relieved and peaceful night's sleep.
Hey everyone! I've got quite a few chapters ready to be published, and I know a few different directions I might want to take this. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment! Tell me things that you would like to see in the story or things you like about what I've written so far. I love reading all of your comments no matter how small, because I feel like I get to read along with you and know your reactions. Anyways this was a long A/N so sorry lol but I hope you keep reading! You guys are amazing! Thanks :)))

Unlimited || Bucky Barnes
FanfictionHer powers were uncontrollable, but could even the great Avengers help her? Darby Whitmore is a young woman who was born with incredible powers, and they are stronger than she knows. When she is taken in by the Avengers, their next mission is her. ...