The Mission

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"Who did that to him?" Natasha persisted.

"Hydra. When he and Steve went to investigate the new facility Hydra founded, it turned out to be just a trap to get the Winter Soldier back," Sam explained.

My heart dropped and bursted at the same time. I had to control myself but the feelings that I felt yesterday came rising back up after hearing Hydra's name. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth, trying to hold back the surge of energy that wanted to rage out of me.

"We need to go Nat," Sam insisted, almost pulling her out of the room.

"Wait, I have to stay with Darby," she replied.

"No, I want to come with you," I urged.

"I don't think that's a good idea, you haven't even trained-" Sam started.

"I don't care! I have to go!" I pushed.

"You might hurt yourself, or others!" Sam argued.

"Natasha and Bucky say that I shouldn't be scared, because if I stay scared then I can't ever help anyone! Is that a life worth living?" I glared at Sam.

"But we can handle this by ourselves, Darby," Sam eagerly persisted.

"But he needs me. I need him," I pleaded, rushing closer to Sam, meeting him face to face.

Bucky was the one that opened me up. Bucky was the one to help me calm down and finally be able to sleep at night. Bucky was the one who explained to me what fear is all about. Bucky saved me from myself. Bucky pulled me from the water I was drowning in. He is the reason that I came up for air instead of sinking to the bottom.

Bucky was my life raft.

Sam glared deeply at me and then at Natasha. She nodded at him and he turned away. Natasha and I followed him to something called a quinjet. It was wider than a regular jet, but almost just as fast.

He opened the back hatch and we rushed inside. I buckled up as Sam and Natasha strapped themselves in the front seats. Sam forwarded the thrusters and we were on our way.

I'm coming Bucky.

"Where is Steve at? Have you tried contacting him?" Natasha questioned, pressing various buttons and tapping flashing icons on a screen in front of her.

"No, not yet," Sam replied. He raised a finger and pressed more buttons that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Rogers, can you hear us?" Natasha intently pursued.

Steve sounded like he was out of breath, sighing and huffing deeply as he spoke.

"Nat, I'm here in the base. Hydra leaders triggered Bucky and now he's on his way," he heaved. "He has a new mission."

"To where? What mission?" Sam urgently asked.

"To kill Darby," Steve answered solemnly.

Hey!! Thank you for reading, and I can't wait to post more parts! Please vote and comment and tell me how you like it! Thanks!! :))))

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