The Man

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Fury stood up tall and prominent and cleared his throat.

"While your parents weren't home, Hydra managed to capture you. We've tried to stop their evil organization for years, but they aren't easy to come by. They are ruthless and always looking for a new way to take down their enemies. Since they lost their best asset, Barnes here," he said pointing to the man next to me," they were set out in finding a new one. We knew your location at all times because the moment your parents found out you were mutated, they contacted us at S.H.I.E.L.D. They were afraid others might take you, so we kept a watchful eye as you grew up back home. You glow some sort of invisible energy that our sensors are able to pick up. When you went off our radar yesterday morning, we were set on finding you as soon as possible. We then learned that Hydra wanted you as their newest asset, which wasn't a bad choice considering your skills. Without your memory, we were only left to assume that you didn't comply with them and they tried to kill you out of frustration. That is why you were left in the alleyway half-dead."

Bruce interrupted," but I believe that you would have actually been dead if it weren't for your powers. Your enhanced mind was able to subconsciously slow your heart rate, making them think that you were dead. We sent out Steve and Clint when your energy appeared back on our scanners."

"And that's how we found you," Steve ended.

This was so much to take in. I wanted to cry, but that was the last thing I needed to do. I felt everyone's eyes leave me as I turned away. The tension in the air was maddening.

The man next to me looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, and then got up and went to the window.

"Bucky," Steve started, but knew there was no reasoning with him.

He laid a hand on my shoulder and reassured me that it was all going to be okay. I nodded and fought back tears. Whoever these Hydra people were, I wanted them all gone.

I covered my mouth to muffle my crying and ran next to where Bucky stood. I hoped that looking at the skyline would distract me from crying my eyes out.

Bucky's mind was hot with anger, and it made me tense. I looked over at him after wiping a tear from my face. He was so mad, but I couldn't sense why.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking over to him.

He hesitated. "I saw you."

My face furrowed when I didn't understand what he meant by that.

"I saw you when you were beaten. They took you into the infirmary and were patching you up. I saw how bad you looked. I thought for sure you were going to die. I barely know you but after hearing that this was from Hydra," he trailed off, making his hand into a fist, "it just makes me mad."

I went to touch his shoulder but I pulled back.

I don't know myself anymore. My faith in controlling my powers has been enormously shaken. I wasn't about to hurt someone else.

"Bucky, is it?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

He nodded and hummed.

"Did Hydra do something to you too? Is that why you hate them so much?"

His face seemed to tense up. Maybe that wasn't the greatest idea.

"I don't like to talk about it," he groaned.

"I understand," I watched his eyes gaze at the top of the buildings outside. They were strikingly blue and looked so, distant. I attempted to look into his mind. It was kind of fuzzy, and surprisingly difficult to get to.





Harsh flashes were being shown from his mind.

A train.


Blood. So much blood-

I flinched and it caught his attention.

"Are you okay?" he asked, locking his piercing blue eyes into mine.

I paused and forced small smile. "I'm fine."

I wasn't.

His heartbeat was fast. I felt like he couldn't see in his own head anymore than I could. His inner mind was locked up tight, like a steel door. I wanted to pry it open and see what was inside.

No. It's not right.

I always feel wrong looking into people's thoughts. Especially when I could see how tightly sealed his was. It was like he wanted it to forget whatever was in there.

I turned away and looked back to the sky. Bucky glanced over at me and his gaze make my face feel hot. A good kind of hot though.

"I'm Darby by the way," I sheepishly added, rubbing my hands together.

I felt him shake the maddening thoughts out his head and smiled at me. I turned back to him and listened to him speak.

"Nice to meet you Darby," he replied. "Bucky," he nodded and relaxed his face.

"Nice to meet you too Bucky," I said with a toothy grin. I swiveled my head back to look outside, hoping he would do the same and stop looking at me.

But he didn't.

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