The News

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Natasha gave me some space after Bucky left. She wandered around the room, and looked outside for awhile. She disappeared into the kitchen for a little bit and got more hot chocolate. She plopped herself back down on the couch and hesitated while I still had my back turned to her. I wanted to run into my room and stay there until Bucky got back.

I stood by the doorway feeling the guilt crush me. Bucky wanted me to at least give Natasha a chance, but I don't know if I could do it. I could sense the calmness in her body and I knew what had to be done. I just didn't want to realize it.

Bucky can relate to me. That's what makes me feel so comfortable around him. He's afraid of himself too, but what about the others?

Can Natasha relate? Can she see me as anything other than a destructive force trapped inside a broken-down, weepy introvert?

I sensed her tiptoe near and hesitate behind me.

"Bucky is tough, he'll be back in no time Darby, I promise," Natasha said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I tried not to flinch, but now it's hard to shake off the feeling that unnerving tendency.

"Thanks," I whispered turning to her. She was quite smaller than me, almost small enough that my chin could rest on top of her head. Who knew something so tiny could be so dangerous?

Her fiery hair was parted to one side and soft curls bounced to her shoulders. She wasn't in her normal skin-tight, all-black cat suit. She was wearing a simple zippered jacket, a white tank, and some black leggings. Her skin was completely flawless, somehow not a single scrape or bruise was evident anywhere.

We sat back together on the couch and she turned her body sideways to face me.

"So what do you want to do? Watch tv? Play a game? Or we can just talk if you want," she suggested.

I shook my head. "If it wasn't evident enough, I'm not a big talker," I sighed.

She laughed a little and shook her head.

"I can see that," she huffed slightly. "You do talk to Bucky though, right?" she asked, reassuring that Fury's idea was working.

I hummed. "He gets me, I guess."

"That's nice. Bucky isn't really much of a talker either unless it's with Steve, so it really is good to see him open up to someone else," she nodded. "I was actually pretty surprised to hear that you got him to watch television. He normally just sits and reads the newspaper all day like an old grandpa when he's not on a mission," she chuckled.

I giggled a little and looked down at my toes. I slyly held the sleeve of my sweatshirt to my nose and breathed in again. Psycho much?

"And while we are on the subject of missions," she paused.

Oh no. I saw it happening before it actually did.

" you think you'll ever join us on one?" she raised an eyebrow, trying to play off the unnerving question.

"I don't think so," I answered quickly.

"Even if you go through training?"

"I don't even know if I'll be here long enough to agree to that," I mumbled while fiddling with my thumbs.

"You've got skills kid, and I think that you would be a really good asset to the team-"

"I said no," I prominently huffed.

I glanced at Natasha who seemed a little startled that I raised my voice to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I just, I know that I could do good. But I'm just afraid that along the way I could let out some bad and-"

"Hurt someone," she finished my sentence. "It's okay, I completely understand. It really sucks to be scared, right?"

"Yeah, but someone once told me that it's okay to be scared because sometimes fear is what keeps you alive," I replied. "And in my case it keeps others alive too," I sighed.

"Yes, but if you let that idea consume you, nothing will ever change," she paused. "And I assume you don't want to live in fear forever right?"

I looked down again and nodded. If Bucky hadn't left, he would have moved on to telling me that. How was I supposed to learn something if I was too scared to try? It might be best if-

"Someone's coming," I turned, the sense of another presence knocking my train of thought aside.

Natasha stood up and rushed towards the door, trying to beat whoever was coming. She opened the door just as Sam was about the bust through.

"What is it?" Natasha asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Sam clenched his jaw and turned to me.

'It's Bucky.'

I stared at Sam and bit my tongue. He tried not to look me too steady in the eyes as he was a little anxious as to what I might do or say.

"Well don't just gawk at each other, someone tell me what the heck is going on!" Natasha flailed her arms around.

Sam let out one last sigh before whipping his head back around to Natasha.

"Bucky. He's gone Winter Soldier on us."

Hey!! Thank you for reading, and I can't wait to post more parts! Please vote and comment and tell me how you like it! Thanks!! :))))

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