The Avengers

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"I have to report back to the others. You may come if you want," Bruce said as he shut off the screen and headed for the door.

"Who are the others?" I questioned.

"The Avengers. Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, you know," he answered.

The Avengers. I thought they were just a bunch of public hooey, but it was different to think of them as actual people. People I was about to meet.

I nodded and presumed following Dr. Banner out of the lab. We went back in the elevator and waited for us to reach the top.

"All your questions will be answered, don't worry. They are all eager to meet you, Darby," he reassured.

"Really? Me? Why do they want to meet me?"

"You're about to find out," he grinned before the doors of the elevator opened.

Multiple faces turned at me. My heart was racing and my hands clammed up. My face felt hot seeing Steve's face again.

Then it occurred to me.

Steve? Steve Rogers? Steve Rogers as in Captain America? I was rescued by Captain freaking America last night? This was the moment I knew all of this was real. No hooey.

I froze there as I quickly analyzed everyone in the room. Steve and Clint, which at this point I assumed was hawkeye from the arrows. Nick, Tony Stark, Falcon, Black Widow, and...wait. Who was that?

Another man sat near Steve. He looked unfamiliar, but recognizable at the same time. I swore I had seen his face before. His long brown hair hung in his face as he turned to me. His blue eyes gazed at me, as if he was looking into my very soul. He gave me a small smile before I turned away.

"Darby," Nick said reaching his hands out at his side, "meet the Avengers."

I gave a nervous smile and to my surprise, most of them smiled back. They were so human. That sounds ridiculous but when you see these people in the papers, they're like celebrities. But now, in person, they felt real. They were real.

Steve didn't lose contact with my eyes as he approached me.

"Glad to see you're okay," he grinned.

"Steve, I mean Captain, I mean-uh..." I nervously tried to get words out but was too intimidated. I rubbed my hands together, trying to wipe off the sweat in my palms in case anyone went in for a handshake.

He giggled at my stuttering, "You can call me Steve, it's fine. We're friends now."

I nodded astonishingly at his tall stature. My mind went fuzzy from hearing him refer to me as 'his friend'.

"Okay, Steve," I rubbed my neck, " I just want to apologize for what happened last night. I didn't mean to."

"I know you didn't. It's okay. Bruce is here to tell us what happened and elaborate on your current position. Please, take a seat."

He gestured at a seat next to the man with long hair. He was wearing all black, long sleeves, and a glove on one hand.

I sat next to the man as we all turned towards Bruce.

"Well, I've already told some of this to Darby, but I'm going to explain it now to all of you. What Darby possesses is something called omnikinesis. Omnikinesis is essentially the power to manipulate any object. It is the ultimate power of telekinesis. What she did to Steve was something she was completely unaware of. She was able to use her energy to remove some of Steve's strength. He was left weak, and he's a super soldier. We can all imagine what she could do to a normal person."

I looked down and felt a twisting feeling in my stomach. Every word coming out of Bruce's mouth made my head want to explode.

"Darby's powers have the capability to evolve to the point that she can control anything at a subatomic level," he continued.

"So what does that mean for her?" The red headed woman behind me asked, most likely Black Widow, I think.

"I suggest that she goes into some sort of kinetic training to harness that capability. Her powers are residing at an emotional state which is very dangerous because it is unpredictable. If she trains, she can learn to control enough of her powers to use them in the field. She has the potential, but she needs help."

"And how do you propose we do that? None of us exactly have anything in common with her," Tony asked.

"I haven't figured that out yet, but she will need some time before she starts. We still need to inform her of...what happened," Bruce looked over at me with sympathetic eyes. My stomach was probably in my feet by now.

"Yes, I would really like to know what happened. I can't sit in the dark any longer you guys," I suggested.

Bruce nodded and remained silent. He stepped over the the side while Fury took front and center. Fury paused and looked at me.

His sudden silence caught everyone's attention. Steve turned to me and placed a hand on my knee. He was still too nervous to hold my hand, but it was nice to know he tried.

"Darby, this is going to come as quite a shock to you, so please stay with me," Fury began.

...And there goes my stomach.

Yup, pretty sure I just saw it shoot out of my feet and slide across the floor.

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