The Simulation

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I looked down at my feet and rubbed my hands together. I hesitated a little, trying to recall what happened.

"Well he had hurt me accidentally and I just felt this surge out power go out of me. But, now that I think of it, it was more like a surge of power went out of him."

"Okay. Well I'm sure you're curious as to what happened. We managed to run tests on Steve and conclude what occurred."

I nodded my head eagerly. I hope I didn't do anything permanent to Steve. He was so kind and caring, my heart ached.

"The pain that was caused sent alarms to your brain telling you that you were in danger. That pulse of energy was actually you taking some of Steve's power away from him, effectively disabling him for a short time," he illustrated, rubbing his chin in a thoughtful manner. "And by the look on your face, I assume that you didn't know you could do that."

"Well, yeah," I paused. "I kind of knew that I was capable of more, but I was always scared to know what I could do."

His heart softened. He felt my pain. He related to what I said somehow. He nodded his head and placed down the clipboard.

"Okay," he sighed. "Why don't we try a test now? This will kind of give me an idea of how strong you abilities are."

I nodded once more as he showed me to a small encasement in the corner of the room. It was an enclosed box, completely white on the outside and black on the inside. I stepped inside as he labeled sensors on my head and explained to me what they were for. Essentially, the box was going to flash simulations on the screen and I was supposed to use my mind in a way that I would in reality. He would be outside looking at a screen of my brain waves and mental states.

He closed the door behind him and everything went dark. I heard his voice over a tiny speaker in the wall behind me.

"Okay, this first simulation will be simple. Lift the cup up off the table," he instructed.

Easy enough. I focused on the mug in front of me and lifted it in the air. I even spun it around and set it back down.

"Okay, show off," he chucked, "now I want you to put out the fire. Use whatever tools you want."

The screen changed and suddenly there was a giant fire placed in front of me, contained on a small sand pit. I placed my hands out and really focused on the fire. I could feel the heat. I could smell the smoke and ash of the wood and sand. The blaze of the fire warmed my face. The longer I stood there, the bigger it got. I closed my eyes and pushed my hands down. I was stronger than the fire. I could put it out. My hands were reaching, but my mind was the one extinguishing it. I closed my eyes and gave the fire one last gash.

"Well done," he said smugly.

I opened my eyes to find nothing but a black line of smoke rising from the center of the pit. I grinned a little. It was empowering to see that I could actually do something like this.

"Alright. Your results are showing up perfectly on the screen, just keep doing what you're doing. Now," he paused as he changed the simulation, "survive."

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