The next day, Fury had called a meeting in the conference room. Nat and Clint sat on one side, Sam and Bruce on the other. Tony stood by the door with Steve at his side. Bucky and I walked in and stood to the opposite everyone else. Everyone's eyes met mine, and as quickly as they came, they darted away.
Fury was posing prominently at the head of the table, carefully watching me fidget closer to Bucky as everyone's stares increased.
"We are all deeply sorry about your parents, Darby. They were very kind and strong people, and they will be greatly missed," Fury stated, bowing his head slightly.
I nodded and pursed my lips.
"Thank you," I whispered almost inaudibly.
"Now there is more to this. We need to discuss this more in depth and find out why your parents were killed. Darby, you may stay if you wish, but I advise against it until we have everything figured out," Fury suggested, placing his fingertips on the table.
I moved my hand and intertwined my fingers with Bucky's.
"I can stay. I promise I can handle myself," I told firmly. "I want to know too."
I tried not to listen around for someone to argue against that statement.
"Well, your parents went missing the day Hydra captured you, and most likely, Hydra took them too," Fury examined.
"But why would Hydra want her parents? They already had her?" Steve raised the first question, placing a hand on his chin.
"I don't know the answer to that. Maybe they simply saw too much," Fury replied.
"Possibly. Did they have any information that Hydra could have wanted?" Tony added.
"Not that we know of. Neither Mr. or Mrs. Whitmore had ever been an agent, or had any other affiliation with us besides with Darby," Fury answered, shaking his head.
"We found the recordings of them in captivity when we went to the base," Steve paused, "nothing happened the whole time until a man in all black came in and...well, you know," Steve mumbled, his eyes focusing on me.
"What man?" Fury demanded.
"Probably just a Hydra agent or something. He was kind of a beefy dude by the video, but other than that, we got nothing," Sam continued.
"How long do you think they were lying there?" Clint said.
"A day, at the most," Sam replied.
"So if we all went to the base the first day, and you found the Whitmores the day after that, that must mean whoever this guy is, he was probably one of the guys that came and attacked Steve and Darby in the woods," Natasha claimed.
Bucky's hands started to sweat a little and I could tell all this talk about Hydra was bothering him. I looked at him and could tell he wanted to bolt. I released his hand, and with one last look of desperation, he sneaked out of the room.
"So we might have already killed him?" I peeped out, turning back to the group.
"Possibly," Steve nodded.
"So what are we going to do with this information? The girl's parents are dead and we can't interrogate the guy who killed them. Now what?" Clint threw his hands up in defeat.
"Sadly, our efforts to make contact with any part of Hydra have not been successful, so there is not much we can do right now. We can keep seeking them out as usual, and if we ever have the chance, we will find out the truth about Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore. This was rather a very short meeting, but you are all dismissed," he announced and stomped out the doors.
Steve came up next to me and gave me a giant hug. He rested his cheek on the top of my head and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead.
"Thank you Steve," I mumbled, pulling him tighter than ever before.
"Where did Bucky go?" Clint followed up behind me and I let go of Steve.
"Probably back to our room. Talking about Hydra really upsets him, I don't blame him," I answered.
Clint nodded and headed out of the room, everyone else following. I went out last and watched the floors pile on top of each other as I went up the elevator. The doors opened and I wandered into the living room. The floor was silent, and Bucky wasn't in the kitchen or on the couch. I tiptoed down the hallway and pressed my ear against his door. Nothing. I cracked it open and called out to him. Nothing. I opened my mind and little and tried to sense where he was. I looked for some sort of signal to tell me where he was.
I started to panic a little and flustered into the living room, pacing back and forth from the couch to the kitchen.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky's backpack lying on his leather recliner. It was open, showing that all his journals were left inside, along with a note next to the backpack.
"For Darby"
I cautiously opened the envelope and read the letter that seemed to be written in a frantic, chicken-scratch lettering.
While talking about Hydra, I started to remember some things. Bad things. I'm sorry to leave like this, but I couldn't look you in the eyes after remembering what I remembered. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but everything is in my journals. I need you and only you to read them. You are the only one I trust with my secrets and memories. I wrote some things down and I didn't know what they meant until this moment. Now I know that there is only one thing to say.
I'm sorry Darby. I'm so sorry.

Unlimited || Bucky Barnes
FanfictionHer powers were uncontrollable, but could even the great Avengers help her? Darby Whitmore is a young woman who was born with incredible powers, and they are stronger than she knows. When she is taken in by the Avengers, their next mission is her. ...