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The next day Genie woke up to her lover next to her. She always loved mornings like these. A peaceful Peter holding her with a soft warm glow entering their room from outside. It was the best thing ever.Sensing she was watching him, Peter woke up with a smile and pulled her closer.

"Good morning." 

"Morning. Sleep well?"

"You were next to me. Of course I did." Violet laughed at this, slightly blushing. Peter was about to say something when someone banged on the door. Peter quickly got up and made some decent clothes appear on us before we both went to answer it.

" We have a problem." It was Felix. Peter rushed him inside to explain.

"Our uninvited guests are close to camp and they didn't follow your rules sir."

" Ah. A game is never fun when you cheat." Peter shook his head and waved for us to follow him down to camp. Surprisingly all the older boys came out as we made our way to the dead bonfire.

"Boys our guests have not been playing by the rules and are cheating to find our camp. We must quickly move and cover this place like we were never here. I want all of you to follow Felix to find a new ground and help him clear it. When you're done five of you stay behind and start gathering food and starting a fire and the rest of you get the little ones and take them to our new camp. After that Listen for Felix to give you further instructions. Am I clear?" Peter questioned. All of them nodded.

"Good. Now go, we don't have much time."

"What would you like me to do my king?" I asked with a smile.

" If you could transport all the tree houses over to the new site I would greatly appreciate it my queen." He said with a kiss.

" Aye aye captain. Ill help get rid of some of this dirt in the mean time." With that she felt back to the tree house and with every step she took grass and flowers grew.


After Violet had left to their new camp Peter called Shadow to his side and set off to find Emma and her crew. After he got his point across to them he decided to bring up Rumple.

" Another rule I must ask you to follow is to leave Violet out of this."

" What did you do to her?" Snow asked the King of Neverland." She doesn't even act the same towards us."

"She loved us all and now she's... different." Emma commented sadly.

" She asked me to make her forget. She didn't want to remember you anymore. Plus you took her child. Never mess with a mother bears cubs."

And then he disappeared.

Shadow followed his masters command to buy them some time by leading them off path a little bit. It didn't take long for them to start moving and talking about Genie .

"Why would she want to forget about us?" David asked.

"Because she was in pain. The whole time she was in Storybrooke." The evil queen said, making everyone's attention turn to her.

" I don't think Violet would appreciate it if you talked about this Regina." The pirate stated.

" Who cares. She's not here to listen." She replied fiercely. Regina paused and then continued. " Violet was young when she met Peter. She looked eighteen at the time and he was twenty three. They fell in love of course but that led to other things and I think we all know what that entitles.  When  everyone in the village found out she was pregnant  they blamed her for being seductive given they already knew she had powers. The village always blamed her for everything. Even bad bread. Peter tried to defend her but nothing worked. They told him not to stick around or he'd be cursed. Later on, he thought he was."

"Ignoring them he fled with Violet to the enchanted forest and gave her his mothers wedding band so when they got to their new home no one would shun them for adultery. I think he didn't want to marry her but he did for their kid."

" I don't understand." The prince said.

" The child was Rumpelstiltskin." Regina said getting straight to the point. That made everyone stop. Even the animals of the night stopped making noise.

" After the child turned five, thieves came to their house while they were gone to look for her golden lamp. They of course rubbed the lamp to gain wishes and forced her to leave her family. Violet never got a break. It was one after the other. Peter became a drunk and gambled away what little money they had. Even gave Rumple away to these two witches who took care of him much better than that low life could. When Mr. Gold turned eight he was given a magic bean and him and his father went to Neverland. Greed to live there and be young again took over Peter and he made the demon of this island take Rumple back to the witches place."

" He got rid of his son to be young again?" Emma said in disbelief.

" The bastard doesn't have a heart darling. Just  the desire to be young forever. Id bet my rum he doesn't even love Violet." Hook said sadly taking a swig from his drink. " The poor girl. Just wants to be loved but everything she loves is always taken away from her."

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