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Vi's P.O.V.

I pulled out the box that my uncle Mikey gave me. It had my dads uniform jacket that still smelled like him, pictures of us and our big marine family. I felt a tear slip one of my eyes as I laughed at a picture of him and my uncles making really silly faces. I pulled out my lap top ,checked if I could call, and did a marine face time. My uncle Ben answered with everyone behind him it the movie room.

"Look what I found." I said in an evil way showing the picture to everyone in the room and they all burst out laughing." Look uncle Ben your doing a duck face." I pointed out as I laughed with the rest of them.

"My face! Look at yours!" he said jokingly.

"Hey Sweets!" Everyone said at the same time.

"Hello blokes!" I said.

"Boys we gotta go to that meet up!" I heard my uncle Mikey say.

"Oi! Cant you see we're talking!" I yelled at him . He smiled and chuckled a bit.

" Hello Sweets its nice to see ya my British niece! But we really need to go we can call you around the same time around next year. We got a lot to do over seas ok?" he asked me.

" Yeah that's fine! At least I get to see all you guys before you go. Good luck! Stay safe!" I said.

"Duh if we have these then were good." a rookie said pointing at his rifle.

" Stop bein' a tushie Rookie!" I said making everyone laughed. " See ya later!"

"Bye Sweets we love you!" Everyone said and the call ended. I laughed and put the photo in a frame and put it on my night stand. I hid the box with my genie lamp in it. It would suck if I got stuck in there so I always hide it so no one can rule over me.

Just as I sat down on my sofa, I heard a knock come from my door.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked the blonde woman at my door step.

" I'm Henry's mom."

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