Shopping and meeting

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Vi's P.O.V.

The next morning I gave Emma clothes and we went shopping at the little shop in town. She looked absolutely gorgeous, I cant believe that she is older than me, well in the age I stop aging. Really im 98 years old and my birthday is coming up! My Genie-ness stops my aging at the age of 17 so I wont look any different the rest of my life. I could wish myself to be older but it would be temporary. That's how it is with everything I try to change about myself, unless it's to heal me.

She bought a lot of clothes for one week but i'm glad I got to spend time with my best friends daughter. We quickly became best friends and it felt like we knew each other for years. We put everything in my car and drove to a pizza place to get food. Once we got home we sat at the dinner table and ate.

"Do you know about Henry's book that he always caries around?" Emma asked. I froze in my mind, what am I supposed to tell her.

" Yeah he has shown it to me a lot, telling me that Mary Margaret is Snow White and his step mom is The Evil Queen." I said trying to play it cool.

" He sure has an imagination." Emma said.

" Ah but remember imagination and belief is better than knowledge." I said changing around Einstein's words.

"Do you believe in what he is says about this placed being cursed and everyone here is a fairy tale character?" Emma asked.

" I believe in many things Emma Swan but the real question is, do you believe?" I asked her. There was a long pause and an event popped up in my brain.

"Would you like to meet my father?" I asked Emma with a smile.

" I thought you said he was dead?" Emma questioned as I went to the front door grabbed my satchel and put on my combat boots.

"He is, are you coming?" I asked.

"Fine." She groaned playfully. I drove to the flower shop and got violet flowers and white roses. Only to bump into the famous Mr.Gold, a.k.a Rumple.

"Why hello there Ms.Hood. Going to visit your father?" he asked.

" Yes sir. Oh and this is Emma she's new and is staying with me at my house." I introduced Emma to Rumple. Rumple, Regina and I are the only ones in town that know about our past. So me and Rumple planned for Henry to come here and be Regina's son. Knowing that was the way we could get Emma here.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Gold. I hope you like your visit so far." then there was a pause and i rolled my eyes knowing Rumple was trying to leave his mark." Well i'll be off. It was nice meeting you, Emma." He said then walked off.


"Why white roses and violets?" Emma asked as we passed the cemetery gates.

"They're my dad's favorite flowers, the violets stand for me and the white roses were his favorite. That's why my middle name is Rose." I said in a matter of fact tone. When I was born almost a centry ago we just went by first name bases where I came from. When my dad adopted me he gave me a middle and last name.

I stopped by my dads grave and set the flowers on the floor leaning against the shinny stone.

" Today's his birthday." Emma said I nodded. I let the tears flow but kept a stern face.

" He was a Marine and I was the bases niece. I knew everyone by my second month there. They would call me sweets because I always had candy in my hands." I chuckled for a bit then I started laughing really hard." I remember when my dad found me on the side of the street in his uniform. He took me to his house and he didn't have a lot of food so he gave me cereal. It was coco puffs and he would always sing this ridiculous song by the black eyed peas." I laughed and Emma did to.

" I know that song. 'so put your milk in my coco puffs milky milky coco.'" Emma sang horribly. I laughed and when it died down I stayed in place, feeling like I would break if I moved.

" We should get going its already 7:00" Emma said trying to break the silence. I nodded and stood up. We drove home in silence. I told Emma good night and got in bed. She understood why and didn't ask anything. She was an orphan so she knows how it feels to not be wanted.

" Good night dad, happy birthday. I love you." My voice cracked, I let my guard down and I busted into tears.

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