The baby

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When I got to the border Cindy was swirling all over the road. Me being a genie, I made the car come to a halt but it had to much momentum from speeding and it rolled off the road. I ran to the car and got Cindy out and she was yelling in pain.

"Cindy whats wrong?" I asked looking over her to see if she had broken bones.

"The baby." is all she said only to start screeming again. Emma's buggie then pulled up next to Cindys or whom ever that car belonged to and ran out.

"Emma start the car again your gonna take her to the hospital." I ordered helping Cindy in the car." I'll meet you at the hospital with Henry and ill have a nurse ready to take her."

Henry came to my side and I waited till Emma drove off to flash at the hospital. Not wanting to be seen I flashed into an alley across the way and we walked into the hospital. I informed the nurse at the front desk about Cindy and right as I was done telling the kind nurse, tires screeched from outside. I helped Emma hold Cindy up and bring her in the hospital whilst the nurses grabbed a wheelchair.

"Dont let him take my baby." Cindy told me as they sat her down. Before I could reply they were rushing her down the hallway.


Henry was the only person who seemed to be calm as Emma paced the floor and my knee bounced impatiently. Emma was confused about the whole situation of me teleporting but doesnt speak. I could tell that she was going crazy in her thoughts.

"You know Emma, your really special." I informed her.

"Your different." Henry added.

"Why's that?" Emma asked, continuing to pace back and forth." To brake the curse? Trust me I know; you keep telling me that."

" No because your the only one that can leave, leave Storybrooke." Henry replied.

"You left and came to find me in Boston."

"Because he was born here. If I were to go or any other one of these people," I paused and sighed," lets just say we'll suffer the consiquences."

" Anyone... except me" Emma repeated.

" Only you. Your the saviour you can do whatever you want.You can go." Herny said somberly. Emma looked at him concerned and before she could reply the nurse came in the waiting room.

" Miss Hood, Miss Swan the baby girl is healthy and weighs 6 pounds. The mother is fine too." and with that she left.

"Why what lovely news." Rumple chimed in and gave me a good glance before looking at Emma." Excellent work Miss Swan,thank you for bringing me my merchandise."


Rumple and Emma were talking by the coffee machine, probably about the baby. I sat next to Henry and we listened in on there conversation once they got closer.

" If anyone could understand the reason to give up a baby I assumed it would be you." Rumple said harshly and Henry glanced at me knowing what they were talking about. After I gave him a look of sympathy, I stood and took Emmas side.

"Your not getting that baby Mr.Gold rather you like it or not." I threatened feeling my eyes glow a bit.

"Actually we have an agreemant. My agreements are always honored. If not im gonna have to involve the police ,then that baby is gonna end up in the system."

"Thats not gonna happen." Emma replied.

"I like your confidence, charming.All I have to do is press charges, she did brake into my shop." Just like his father.

"Let me guess to steal a contract." Emma said.

"Who knows what she was after."

"You know no jury will put a woman in jail who was breaking and entering if it was to protect her child. Look its right here." I said and pulled out this weird document thats states the fact and gave it to Rumple.

"I'm willing to roll the dice and say that contract doesnt stand up. Are you?" Emma questioned as Rumple took a long sip of his coffee.

Rumple smiled."I like you Miss Swan, your not afraid of me, your rather cocky and i'd like for you to be on my side."

"So Ashley can keep the baby?" I asked.[A/N if you didnt know "Ashley" is Cinderella]

" Not just yet.Theres still a matter of my agreement with Ashley."

"Tear it up." Emma simply sugested.

"Thats not what I do.You see contracts, deals, they're the very foundation of all civilized existence.So I put it to you now. If you want Ashley to have that baby, are you willing to make a deal with me?" I glare at Rumple and gave him the 'dont-you-dare' face.

"What do you want?" Emma asked and I swore under my breath.Please don't make a deal, please dont make a deal.

"I dont know yet. You'll owe me a favor." now I was full on death glaring Rumple and my eyes were glowing a lighter shade of purple.He never asks for kind, simple,favor. He knew I was angered by this and smirked a little.

"Deal." Emma declared and I swore under my breath again.

A nurse inturupted our conversation and said that we could see Cindy now. I told Emma I would meet her in there and she nodded and took Henry in the hospital room.

"Listen to my words carefully Mr. Gold. If your little favor is too much to ask of Emma; you'll regret what you've done." I growled.

"I dont think your the one to be making threats Violet."

"I dont think your the one to be playing with magic you'll never understand. I know you know that im the strongest among all villans and goody-two-shoes so I suggest you start making the right choices before you anger me." and with that I walked away from Rumple and into the hospital room with Emma and Henry.

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