Time skip

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Ok guys I think its time for me to do a time skip. Well its more like an episode skip but you know what I mean. So im gonna be skipping to the last episode of season 1 where Emma breaks the curse soo.... LET THE CHAPTER BEGIN!


Violets POV

"Violet!" I swiftly turned around to see my true love entering the hospital in StoryBrook.

"What?" I asked astonished. He was never here. I searched every inch of this cursed land and didnt find him so how is he here now?

"But how did you...?" I trailed off. My mind was in shock.

"Voilet!They have the bottle!" my love yelled and I turned to look behind me. The whole town was behind me touching my genie bottle. No! This isnt supposed to happen! I-I hide it so no one could find it.

"Please dont leave me again.... I went 5 years without you. I dont know if I can do this again." my one true love said tears rimmed his eyes.

"Im sorry my love, please dont give up one me yet i'll be home one day. Please have faith in me." I encouraged him.

"You'll never go home! You still have to fufill our wishes!" the crowd of towns people behind me said. They all shouted different wishes at me. Some wanting to be rich, others wanting fine gowns or the piece of land they've always wanted. I turned back to see my love again and he was reaching out to me with a lone tear falling from his eye.

"Please dont leave me."he took a deep breath as if he was angered."DONT LEAVE ME!"

I woke up in a cold sweat with tears leaving my eyes.

"I'll be home soon." I whispered.

Yesterday Emma said she was going to leave with Henry and left slamming the door. I couldnt stop her and she was too stubborn and determined to listen to my pleas for her to stop and stay.

Today I was a mess and it wasnt even 10:00 yet. I sighed and took a long hot shower till the water ran cold and got dressed. I was wearing a plain long sleeved grey knitted sweater, black leggings and an aqua scarf. I went down stairs and made tea and put poptarts in the toaster.While I waited for my poptarts my mind driffted off to my dream.How long has it been since I last saw him?

 Has it really been a solid 5 years?My god that long?

  POP! I jumped a little and grabbed the warm poptarts and slowly started eating. Its very quiet without Emma here.

" ...Hittin every redlight. Kissin' at the stop signs darlin'. Green Day's on the radi-" Thats my phone! I quickly answered it without looking at the ID caller.


"Oh my god! Vi you have to come to Golds shop. Its about Henry, he's in a coma." It was Emma. She was on the verge of crying and im sure was having a nervous breakdown.

"Okay, okay im coming what happened?" I asked while I put on my aqua vans and my brown leather satchel.

"I was telling him that I was leaving without him . I went over to Regina's before that and we made a deal that I would leave if I got to visit Henry and she agreed. Regina gave me an apple tart thing and Henry said it was poisonous because of the apples and now he's in the hospital." Emma explained.

"Okay im five minuets away just hold on okay? Dont talk to Mr.Gold untill I get there!" i hung up and drove faster to Mr. Golds shop.


"Im here!" I announced while Regina gave me an eye-roll.

"Like I said we need help." Emma said to Gold.

"Henry shouldnt have paid the price!" Regina said. Instead of listening something, caught the corner of my eye. It was a pianting of this lovely field covered in Lilys, Dandilions and... Violets. Wow look at that. But overall this place looks very familiar. I looked for a signature to see who painted this beautiful landscape but there was nothing but the flowers,trees, and the small river in the picture.

"What is that?" Emma asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thats your dads sword." Rumple replied.

While they left I stayed behind still staring curiously at the picture.

"Whats the matter dearie?" A sudden voice called but it wasnt Rumples it was someone elses.A much younger voice with a british accent. Could it be him? I shook my head and began walking to the door.He's not here.

"A little home sick?" Rumple asked but I ignored him and made my way to the wood.

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