Chapter 14: Thick and Thin

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To the sudden event that occurred Taiyou's head went blank. However that was only for a moment and he soon got his bearings and hopped away like a frog and gained some distance from the white woman in one breath's time.

The pedestrians who saw such a peculiar action by Taiyou, gave him various kinds of gazes/reactions. A business salary man had a strange look on his face as he alternated looking between the girl and Taiyou, A mother told their kid "Shh, don't look at them" and she hurriedly brang her curious kids away from the scene.

The people around him were giving him an over exaggerated amount of attention, however, if you compare it to what happened to him moments ago, where a Japanese Katana sword was pointed right at him, their reactions would be even more crazier if they saw such a scene, in fact this kind of reaction would have been insufficient.

Taiyou was displaying a posture of extreme vigilance but it seems that such actions were a futile and vain effort. The white girl had a handkerchief in her hands, instead of the Japanese Katana, and there seemed to be no other hidden motives in her actions.

Both her hostility and her killing intent was so meek that he could barely feel it.

Honestly, the feeling was so different that he almost thought that they were different people, Taiyou was bewildered/perplexed.

Looking at the girl, he couldn't hold it any longer and he asked her a question.

「You, Why are you here?」



「More importantly, you? That hand is bleeding 」

Taiyou was still breathing irregularly, and he looked at the handkerchief was had been presented towards his hands.

It seems she's trying to lend me her handkerchief in order to stop my bleeding?


「Having a handkerchief, is part of a woman's etiquet, te」(Note: she talks in broken sentences: Etiquette)

「No that's not what I am asking you.......」

「—it, was what a guy, once told, me 」

「A man taught you those etiquette?!」

「After that time, I held it on with me, where ever, I went」

「From that moment onwards? You haven't replaced it with a new one?」

She tilted her neck slightly, and was thinking for a little while.

「.........I don't really, remember?」

「Please! can't you start talking in a more political fashion!? It almost seemed like you had a total memory loss or something!」

「 secretary, talk, to you?」

「Like I said please talk in a more political manner!」

「.........would you die........for, me?」

「This is so hopeless!」

A comical dialog between these two people seemed to have unfolded on the road side. The pedestrians who saw the both of them would hurriedly try to avoid their path by walking faster, and this made Taiyou remember something slightly uncomfortable.

「We are getting way to side tracked here, you, why exactly did you come here for, that's what I am asking you」

「That is, I came to recieve, compen......sation」

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