Chapter 29: The lack of boundaries in the last few years

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It's kinda cool?.....–Eh? 」(Kotone Speaking)

Kotone is confused by Taiyou's words and the three girls with the same face (yet different sizes) had a bewildered expression on them.

Was the words he said insufficient? Taiyou supplemented with more words to better explain his thoughts.

「Of course I think that it's cool/good, but more than that, it is probably more correct to say that I am envious...... Of the relationship/bond you guys share between each other. That's because our conversation just now..... Is it correct for me to say that you guys don't keep secrets between each other? 」


「Or more like, we can't」

「If our emotions are even a little bit heightened it leaks out, even if we try to conceal it, it's completely useless」

「Is it like when the door to your bedroom is broken, that kind of feeling?」

「Yes, yes. It's like its half open, I mean we can close it but the moment our hand leaves the door—-the room will open by itself again. I suppose it's meaningless in a sense」

「Recently it's been a bother to hold it closed all the time」

「Which reminds me, do you guys remember the time when we got lost in the shopping Centre?」

「I remember, at that point in time we were still able to talk within each other's hearts, we are able to tell each other our locations but we weren't able to guide each other properly」

「The signs in that Centre was really similar, and there was a place that looks identical on every floor, we ended up being spread out on different floors/levels」

「It's because Kaza-chan got on the elevator, I went after Kaza-chan and Suzu-chan in a panic thinking that you guys got swallowed by a big metal box. The door to the elevator closed and suddenly the both of you were gone. Although I realized that you guys were fine in the next instant」

「Although we were in a state of panic, feelings of safety were able to be transmitted so we were able to calm down」

Taiyou's words stimulated their old memories, and the three girls became quite talkative as they reminiscence about their past. These were things that only the three girls would know about.

Their chests which were brushing up against Taiyou all pulsed with the same rhythm of heartbeats. The girls in front of him that shared such vulnerable things about them made him feel that they were so precious to him——unbearably precious.

「Do you guys, regularly talk amongst yourselves like this?」

He couldn't help but to want to participate in the conversation. However with his single careless phrase, their nice atmosphere was broken.

「........No, that's not true」

「We usually get weird stares from other people, so lately we don't really talk amongst ourselves much even when we are together」

「It's been several years.....approximately」

Their conversations amongst each other was interrupted, and the lovely atmosphere they had around them was completely shattered, and it changed into something different. And it was definitely not something pleasant.

An awkward atmosphere flows out. The current state was achieved with a single careless phrase from Taiyou, and he regretted it so much he could die.

The unified movements they had up till now was also torn asunder.

「Th, that's right, we still need to talk to the person who brought us here–」

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