Chapter 40: A Means to and End

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「You, what are you up to?」

「I'm creating an exit path」

After answering Kohaku's question, he went straight towards the wall and began pummeling it again to create a hole. He continues to puncture holes into the wall one after another so Kohaku, Yurikago and Hera started to follow after him.

「We don't have to do something like this, I can guide us to a secret passageway jya」

「This is just from my speculation, but...」

Taiyou makes an introductory statement.

「From the people that are chasing us now, I have a feeling that they already know that you have betrayed them. And if my hunch is correct, they will already be waiting at the secret passageway and the information you provide will prove fatal if we follow it blindly」

「Have you also considered the fact that Kohaku might be a double agent?」

Yurikago questions Taiyou. She is firmly gripping unto the memory drive with both of her hands.

「Ahh, in the case that she is, something will happen around this tim–」

「I have never thought such a thing」


Though Yurikago was about to say something, Taiyou continued to break the walls down and spoke over her.

「That kind of possibility, doesn't even cross my mind」

「Wh, why?」


Taiyou could not answer her. He did not think he needed to answer her.

「Fufufuf〜, as expected desu, as one would expect from my Taiyou-chan desu」

Hera flies next to Taiyou who was keeping silent, and she danced around and fluttered around him.

Taiyou swatted her away like she was some sort of fly, and Hera was unperturbed as she smiled radiantly dusting herself off and flying around him again.

The radiant Hera, the frowning Yurikago and lastly Kohaku who stood in silence as she gazed at his back.

Three people followed him and Taiyou smashed one last wall.......which was connected to the outside.

And when they got out of the building, they saw the 20 meter wall........which was there previously. He runs up to the wall with a dash, and just like he has been doing, he used his powerful fist to create a breach in the fence.

Taiyou faces towards Yurikago.

「Go ahead of us!」


「I will hold them off here, you go on ahead」

「What are you saying? I am—」

「A means to an end」

Taiyou interrupts her rebuttal. Taiyou had a stern expression on his face.

「You've told me that there are two conditions to victory, the first being getting that memory drive and the second is that your true colors must not be revealed to the enemy. In that case, what do you think is the most effective means right now?」

「......Attract their attention and then holding them off here, meaning that someone must remain」

「That's right, and right now, who do you think is the best person for such a job?」

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