Chapter 13: Man Down Situation

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"Baby this is fire!" He smiled.

"Thanks baby!"

We had just spent the last 5 hours laying down this new song.

I sat down on his lap as we played the song.


"Baby I love this song." I kissed him and wrapped my hand around his neck.

"I'm glad you like it."

"So now that we got this song laid down, what we about to go do?" I asked.

"You wanna go to the hospital?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Let's go before visiting hours are over."


I stood there holding his hand rubbing it with my thumb. "Cameron. I don't know if you can hear me or not but ... baby I need you to fight okay. Do not stop fighting." I could feel the tears coming and pouring down my face but I didn't break down like I thought I would. "Cameron, you're the only baby I have. I need you to do me a favor and please don't give up fighting. I love you Cam." I wiped my face and smiled. "I just wrote a song. Chris said he wanted it to be a dance song but I think we should've did  slow song to capture my pain. But he says that you would want me to dance and not cry. He doesn't know that you love all my slow songs." 

I stood up after sitting there for a few minutes. "Cam I love you." I said.

"Amara. You know visiting hours are over." 

"I was just getting ready to leave."

"Cammy's in good hands." 

Only people who are close to Cam get to call him that. I looked up and damn near swallowed my tongue.

"Nikki?" I whispered.

"Hey you." She smiled.

"How the hell you end up being a nurse?"

"It's been three years. A lot has changed." She said putting the chart in the slot at the end of the bed.

"What you do to my baby?" 

"Calm down Amara. My issues are with you not him. This baby has been through enough hurt, I wouldn't hurt him anymore. Besides, I'm not allowed to do anything else but check his chart."

I just looked at her.

"It was three years ago Amara let it go. I've moved on as should you and Christopher." She smiled again before walking out.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled.


Cameron is doing a little better. His heart rate picked up a little. I was so happy when they called me last week and told me that. Any good news right about now would make me over the moon happy. Me and Chris went 5 rounds that. I don't know who wore who out first. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Chris came down the stairs in his jogging pants and a BP pyramid hoodie.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" I asked turning to him.

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