Dear Admirer. [7]

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"We always believe our first love is our last and our last love our first." ~ George John WhyteMelville


"Never shopping with you again." I slump my tired body on my bed.

"Oh, sweety you will get used to it." She smiles.

"I can never get used to that, my feet fucking hurt." I groan. We had been shopping all day right after my first lecture, she said something about it being Black Friday and prices would be low and reduced. It was a long day I just wanted to take a shower and sleep...

"Since when do you cuss ?" She raises an eye brow pretty much amused. I guess this is what I get for hanging out with Zayn well not really hanging out but him interrupting my any interruction with Walter or any guy from campus. I keep telling him to go away because it will raise assumptions but he doesn't give a shit. Oops blame Zayn.

Before I can reply to her remark my phone rings to alert the sound of a new notification...

"Its my mom." I whisper to Angie and she nods. I swipe the green bar not ready to talk to my mom.

"Hey mom" I say in a somewhat normal voice.

"Hi baby, are you okay ? You haven't called me in 2 weeks." She says a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so caught up with school and stuff."

"Oh Zaneh, will you ever have fun my baby ?" She pauses I know what coming next. " I want you to get good grades but you will only be in college once, have a bit of fun."

"Mom, I do have fun." My voice disappears in the end.

"You don't Zaneh, you don't even have a boyfriend." She continues interrogating me.

"Mom, come on... I don't need a boy to be happy. Dad would agree to." I scoffed earning a chuckle from eavesdropping Angie.

"Your father only agrees because he wants you to get married at 90."

I laugh at my mom's sacarsm, My relationship with my mom is out of this world. I tell her everything well I don't have to because there's nothing to tell really my life is such a bore after all.

"Yeah and I don't mind that too." I shrug.

"Zayn should get you a boyfriend, Zaneh you should be more outgoing you can't live your life under a shell like in high school." She says in a somewhat serious tone. I thank God this phone call isn't on loud speaker wouldn't want Angie to hear that.

"But I'm not encouraging you to go and get pregnant, okay ?" She adds when she realises I'm not going to reply.

"Yeah mom, I know and but wouldn't it be easier to just stay away from guys all in total if I don't want to be pregnant." I twist her words.

"You know what I mean Zaneh." She snaps "Anyways Zayn's best friend Harry is a good start. I know his in the same college with Zayn meaning you too and you used to like the boy." She cooes the last part.

"But I don't anymore, mom." I cringe at the thought of my mom encouraging me to get with Harry, if only she knew what hell hole he put me through in high school. Angie goes to the bathroom guessing she's going to shower...

"His a nice boy isn't he ?" She taunts me.

"Mom, if you don't want me to to be 19 and pregnant... Harry is a no go area." Its true Harry just wants to get in my panties and plant his cockroaches.

"Zayn tells me you two have been hanging out and he doesn't like it." I knew my mom wouldn't just call form no where.

"I didn't hang out with that dimweed Harry. Zayn exaggerates everything." I run my fingers through my hair.

"Oh my - what that's smell, baby I love love you but I have to get going my cookies are burning."

"Bye Mom love you." I sigh before hanging up. Zayn is such a snitch well a liar too.

Just in the moment, there's a knock on the door and I mentally want to slap the person behind that door. I groan making my way to the door.

"Hi , are you Zaneh Malik ?" The man in a delivery uniform questions. Maybe the flowers are for Angie no one really takes an interest in me she is the friend that always gets every guys attention when we walk down the sidewalk.

"Yes." I give a a short response.

"Delivery for you from anonymous, please sign here and at the bottom." He politely gestures handing me the signing board which I gladly took and signed although I was still cracking my mind trying to figure out who the anonymous person is.

"Thank you ma'am, enjoy the rest of your day."

"You too." I said closing the door.

"Hmm secret admirer huh ?" Angie pursed around in a towel.

" I'm just as surprised as you boo ?" I replied placing the beautiful roses on my desktop.

"What does the note say ?" She grinned with a smug on her face, why do I get the feeling she know the anonymous douche.

"Uhm it says Babe Don't accept roses if you are afraid of thorns." I frowned knowing exactly who it was.

"Its Harry isn't it." She grinned.

"He doesn't look like the type to send flowers but the note says otherwise." I lay on my bed trying to ignore all this and get some sleep because I'm tired.

"Oh yeah he does...I spoke to him the other day." Harry just wants to sleep with me why can't anyone see that.

"Angie I don't wanna know anything to do with that fuckboy." I closed my face with a pillow enhancing the lavender essense.

"Your mom seems to like him."

"Angie stop !" I growl.

My phone suddenly rings. Noticing Zayn's name on my screen...perfect time to scold him for snitching on me.

"Douchebag !" I answer sitting up straight, I notice Angie going to the bathroom. My chance...

"Did you snitch on me you retard ?" I whisper, I hear him chuckle before speaking "Why are you mad ? Unless there's actually something between you Harry ? Are you screwing him ?" He snarls on the other end of the line.

"Nothing is going on between us but you are hopeless believe what you want." I say effortlessly.

"Look I'm just looking out for you." He says in a serious tone.

"Well thanks but its a little too late." I bite my bottom lip feeling somewhat remorseful.

"What exactly did I do ? Its not my fault I was always the better twin" I laugh.

"Zayn you are pathetic, don't make me hate you more than I already do... Just mind your own business and I will do the same. Stay away from me, if I could remove you from my life believe me I would but sadly we tied down for let's try and tolerate each other. Bye" I hang up before he spoils my mood. What did I do to deserve a fuck up for a twin.

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