Dear Stupefied. [32]

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"Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties." ~ Jules Renard


The rest of the week was a blur, considering the fact that Harry was ignoring me. He came by the house but acted as if I wasn't even there, honestly I didn't know how to feel about the whole situation maybe i was wrong too. I was so used to him following me and running behind me like a lost puppy. I thought I had the upper hand but it hit me hard...I realised i didn't.

"Sorry sir, I will get your order right now." Sofia covered for me, i didn't realize that there was a customer. She gave me an assuring smile as she gave the customer their take away.

"What's up with you ?" She asked laying her  hand on the counter.

"What do you mean ?" I sneered at her.

"Your mind is obviously not here." She added.

"And it's none of your business is it ?" I snapped at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry but you don't have to take out your anger on me." She crossed her arms.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes looking at everything but her face.

"I know we ain't friends but if you ever need a friend-"

"Uhm no thanks." I cut her off.

"Just the other day, I thought we were bonding.." she frowned, i rolled my eyes at the sight of her trying to look sad.

"Is it boy problems because trust me, i know everything in that category." She grinned. Maybe I was being too hard on her, maybe I could really use this...talking to someone considering this has been bothering me all week.

"Well kind of." I muttered.

"Hey, PEDROOO CAN YOU COVER FOR US. IT'S ALMOST LUNCH SO WE WANT-" Sofia yelled back in the kitchen.

"Sure Sophie just get me some burger and fries while you are at it." Pedro replied taking over the till.

"Thanks Pedro." I briefly smiled.

"Sure ladies." He grinned and immediately started taking orders as we headed out.

"You are either at home or in the bakery so I just thought you would want to walk around and stretch your legs." Sofia pulled me. The bakery was inside the mall which meant we could just roam around, I didn't expect her to be so thoughtful. I was either at home or at the bakery or with Harry but she didn't know that.

"So what happened ?" She seemed so friendly far from how she treated me in high school.

"This guy-" i paused. "This guy I'm seeing..."

"Uh huh.." She said with a haughty smile.

"We had a fight..well maybe an argument and he has been ignoring me for a week. I expected him to be running back after me in about the next day."

"But he didn't." She added.

"Yes and I don't know maybe i was a bit harsh-" i mumbled.

"I'm sorry to say this but that sounds like Harry, such an ass." She giggled. "So I definitely know how you feel."

My heart hammered for some reason but quickly calmed down because I realized she didn't know anything.

"Really ?" I asked, we sat on one of the benches in the mall near the escalator still in purple shirts and jeans with the purple caps with the Gustavo Bakery logo. My hair was naturally always straight and with the cap, my mom always said I looked pretty cute like those kids in a scout.

"Harry had this thing of getting mad, then he disappears for a week." She laid her left leg on top of the other. The mall was full of people as always but it felt peaceful just sitting there and talking to her.

"Then after would he come back ?" I eagerly asked, my eyes wide open.

"Well I would have to suck his dick most of the time. He can be such a big baby." She said reminiscing, i certainly wasn't going to  kneel and suck him off. We were both wrong and if he's a gentleman he would apologize. Hell Harry is far from that why do you care anyways.

"His a Dick." I muttered.

"Hey." She wallowed. "That's just Harry, it doesn't mean your guy will act like that." She assured...if only she knew.

"Speak of the devil." Sofia mumbled then I turned to look where her eyes were fixated. My heart shuddered.

'Trust me I can get laid anywhere  while you go on lame ass dates with Waltz boy.' I remembered his words.

I felt anger run through me. Harry stood at the ice cream kiosk with a girl that was constantly giggling . She looked ordinary in my books...

"I think that's his fuck for the summer." Sofia snapped me out of my thoughts.

Suddenly my eyes locked with his green orbs, i felt hurt and I didn't know why because this meant nothing. He's such a goddamn liar, he told me he loved me.

"He's probably telling her lies like he loves her." I spat I felt my heart sink. I hate him.

"Hell no, Harry never tells a girl he loves her...hell he has never even told me that." Sofia defended.

"We should probably get lunch for Pedro and head back." I could feel Harry's intense gaze on me. I couldn't belief it, ofcause he such a male whole.

"Hey, we didn't talk about the reason why we even came out here."

"We did and thanks for the advise I really needed that." I stood up.

"We only talked about Harry and I don't think that was helpful." She frowned.

"Trust me I feel alot better, i just realised i don't need him." I smiled even though I felt horrible. This is what I didn't want to get attached to Harry well I wasn't. It just hurts that he is a compulsive liar, i never want to see him again or have anything to do with him.

"Okay then." She pulled me into a hug.

"I think you need a hug." She whispered. "It's Harry isn't it ?" She shocked me. I just stood there stupefied.

"Uhm i-"

"Blink away those tears, smile and don't show him you are hurt because he is coming over. Pull it together." She encouraged and I could feel his presence at the back of me.

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Just want to know.
Do we need a Harry POV because boy is confusing I know...🤗

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