Dear Period Pains. [31]

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"The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands." ~ Alexandria Penney


"Wake up, you lazy ass." I fluttered my eyes open only to meet the cushion Zayn deliberately threw at me.

"What's your problem ?" I said in pissed tone. I raised my body with my palms, now I was in a sitting position as I laid my head on the headboard. I was about to lift my leg but I stopped because of the ache between my thighs. Harry didn't take it easy on my last night, he made me go to the back seat and lay there so he could fuck me properly.

"It's fucking eleven am and you are still in bed, why are acting like you have been fucked."

"Don't yell at me Zayn. Get out." I yelled.

"I'm just looking out for you because only pregnant people sleep until this time. Get your lazy ass up."

Pregnant. No ways I'm on birth control.

"Okay. Doctor Malik thank you for your idiotic diagnosis." I stood up from my bed hiding the fact that I was slightly sore. I limped to the bathroom.

"Why are you walking like that ?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Uh haha like what ?" I nervously giggled.

"Like that.." He pointed at me.

"Period pains." I lied.

"Remember the first time you started your period.." He laughed hysterically hitting the door.

"You thought you were dying." He chuckled. "And I actually thought someone had stabbed you. That was the worst day of my life, i really thought I was close to losing you." he said the last part his laugh dying out.

"Can you go out ? I need to change." He nodded and went out. I went inside the ensuite to pee then I noticed little bits of blood on my panties. Just great now I can't have fun with Harry. My lower abdomen felt heavy and sore, i always had the worst period pains and I hated it. It felt like someone was continuously pulling my intestines.

I noticed even my pee had blood so I flushed the toilet and got into the shower. It's official no sex for four days or more, can I live up to that long. I took a quick shower, dressed into the most comfortable clothes then laid on my bed. I felt like I was smelling and everything was smelling, i always felt like this during my period. I took my laptop and played Netflix, i wasn't planning on going down stairs thank goodness today I wasn't working. I didn't know if I should lay on my stomach or on my back or on my side or I should stand, jump up and down. This pain wasn't going away...

"Zaneh are you okay ?" My mom said peaking in my room.

"Just tired." I mumbled.

"Drink comprals if the pain persists." She knew it was that time of the month and every time I would always be like this.

"Okay mom." I said in a lazy tone.

"Drink warm water too, i will tell Zayn to bring it up. Don't worry I will tell the boys to lower their voices downstairs." She added.

"Mom ?" I was talking like a cry baby.

"Is Harry there ?" I asked.

"Yes he is dear. I will tell him to bring you the warm water not Zayn." She smirked.

"No no no, I don't want him to see me like this. I look like a mess and I'm smelling..."

"No you are not." She smiled. "You are clearly sick so rest."

I knew what she was doing, she really wanted me to be out going or was she playing cupid.

"The animals, The animals, trap trap till the cage is full. The day is new and everyone is wa- waiting on youuuuuuuu."

"Think of all the roads taking steps is easy standing still is hard."

I was singing the wrong lyrics I didn't care. I kept singing along to Orange is the new black and the sex scenes that occurred didn't help as they made me even more horny and stuff which is disgusting, i didn't even want to look at my pad. Since I broke my viginity I should probably use tampons, my mom never allowed me.

There was a knock on the door then flipped open reviewing Harry in a white shirt and black skinny jeans with a mug in hand.

"Hi baby girl, Daddy heard you were sick and is here to take care of you." He said in a teasing tone. I hid my face in the covers feeling embarrassed ofcause yesterday I was able to role play because I was horny now I'm just back to my normal senses and no.

"Harry no." I smiled.

"Your mom said you should drink this." He handed me the mug with warm water.

"Thanks." I took it with both hands. " You can leave now." I added. I felt my bed sink in as he laid next to me, i suck at this but I'm going to stay here with you.

"No I want to be alone and you don't have to." I smiled at his sweet gesture.

"I want to." He pulled me close so I could lay on his chest which felt really comfortable.

"Can't keep my hands to myself.." My phone started ringing.

I reached the for my phone noticing that it was Walter calling. Harry was busy on my laptop looking for another series he wanted to show me.

"Hey Walter." I answered my phone suddenly Harry snapped his head glaring at me.

"Hey Zaneh, how are you ?" He said cheerfully.

"I'm okay how about you ?" I replied.

"I'm Super now that I'm talking to you." He chuckled. "I read Spud wow I'm impressed."

"Really you did ? like the whole three set books." I grinned and Harry clenched his jaw.

"Yeah and I also listened to Blue Neighborhood the album, he is really talented."

"I don't believe you." I giggled.

"Well my favourite song is Surbubia and Swimming pools." He paused. " Do you believe me now ?" He said in a think aussie accent.

"Okay. I do, i can't believe you actually listened to what I said people never take me seriously." I looked at Harry as I said this.

"Well I do, my sister says hi." He added.

"Ncowww tell her I said hi, she should totally Skype me or something...I'd really love to hear her ranting about 5sos like you said." I grimaced.

"You remembered ?" He said in a shocked tone.

"Ofcause, I'm a good listener."

"Well hey there Waltz ?" Harry grabbed my phone and speaking with a clenched jaw. Suddenly he stood up...

"We are kind of in the middle of something, how about you call her like uhm never." He said in a sarcastic tone. I jumped from my bed as Harry towered over me with his height.

"Okay bye." He ended the call.

"Why did you do that ?" I crossed my arms.

"Because I wanted to." I had never seen Harry this pissed.

"You can't do that, you ain't the boss of me." I raised my voice. "You know, get out."

"Fine." He spat, i didn't expect that I thought he was going to beg me.

"I will tell Niall to bring your pills, call when you are done being a bitch and if you like Waltz boy then do me a favour and stay the fuck away from me and stop acting like you are the only girl with pussy because trust me i can get laid anywhere while you go on stupid ass dates with Waltz boy. Bullshit." He turned to reach the door, i just stood there stupefied.

"Fine." I yelled as I slumped onto my bed grabbing a pillow and throwing it on the floor.

he banged the door on his way out. I hate him right I know I haven't said that in a long time but I fucking hate him.

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