Dear Sexually Active. [29]

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"Love makes the wildest spirit tame, and the tames the spirit wild." ~ Alexis Delp


Arriving at the bakery, with my headphones on, listening to Halsey. I pushed the glass door open only realising Sofia was already in setting the menus on each table in a cheerful mood.

"Hey." She waved and I waved back. I couldn't really make out what she was saying because I had my headphones on for a valid ignore her. Pedro then arrived right after me. "Hey ladies." He greeted and i waved back, more customers were coming in so I decided to remove my headphones. Heading towards the till, i straightened my black short skirt, i had my hair in a messy bun. i guess I always had a lazy look on. It was either lazy look or drug addict look there was absolutely no in between.

"So thanks about the other day." She said as she served a customer.

"Sure." I replied curtly.

"Harry couldn't get enough of me, after my shift. You know maybe you are my cupid." She turned to look at me and I rolled my eyes.

Harry couldn't get enough of her in what way ?

"Cool." I had my palm on my left cheek, looking bored.

"Although there wasn't much talking-" she grinned.

"You had sex ?" I blurted out.

"I prefer to call it love making." She said in a nostalgic tone.

"Right." I faked a smile.

Once a player always a player.

I couldn't believe he had sex with her and I in the same week. I was even considering giving it a go- what no it doesn't matter. It's good I didn't, what was i even thinking that Harry could actually love me. He's a compulsive liar, why do I care anyway...I told him. He could date whomever he wanted so he was just doing just that I was just one of the girls on his list, i feel like a fool, idiot, dump ass. I quickly checked my phone seeing the reply he had sent.

Okay I will pick you up after work, ayt babe. H

I felt horrible earlier so I sent him a text that we should meet after work but now I regretted sending that message even though he replied. I'm the biggest fool.

"He has alot more experienced now than in high school, must be the girls he was fucking in New York. I mean when I was the first girl he had sex with in nineth grade and it wasn't so great." She giggled. " Although I could never tell him that."

"Right." I laughed along.

"He is so big, i mean puberty really did a number on him." She sighed. "I'm sorry, you must feel uncomfortable talking about sex and all." She added.

"No, it's okay." I was suddenly being nice to her so I could milk information out of her not that it was hard because she is literally an open book.

"How many guys have you-" she asked. There were very few customers so there was time to chitchat and most customers preferred to have a take away.

"Only one." I replied.

"Whaat so you ain't a virgin after all ?" She shook her head.

"Do I look like one ?" I deadpanned.

"I just thought you would be the type to wait for your future husband or something."

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