Dear ill-treated [47]

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"Darling is that you ?" Harry's mom gasped and I suddenly felt beyond shy.

"Uhm yeah." I shrugged but she immediately pulled me into a hug. She had suggested we met at a small coffee shop just near the campus. I was curious as to why she was suddenly so nice to me. It baffled me because just some weeks back, she didn't like me.

"You look beautiful, this is definitely your color. You look so innocently divine like a sixteen year old." She said blissfully taking a sit across me. I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment. My hair was still the same straight long hair just jet black. Did the blonde hair really make me look bitchy ? it did of course grant me enough confidence to forget about all my insecurities.

"Thank you Anne, you look lovely yourself." I gave her a curt smile. We took our orders which were just beverages considering I wasn't in the mood to eat.

"Anne ?" I questioned after taking a sip of my black coffee, she smiled widely. "I'm really concerned as to why you would want to meet me because I don't think we got off on the right foot... last time we met." I explained and she frowned.

"I just had the wrong idea about you. I guess I judged you too soon, you are an amazing girl." She said making me utterly shocked.

"Ehem." I cleared my throat. "You could have just said that over the phone Anne, I'm not really one to hold grudges." I shrugged taking another sip of my coffee, she gave me a warm smile.

"You know that's not the only thing I was wrong about-" She said nodding her head.

"Uhm you are really catching me off guard. Does Harry know you are here ?" I asked his name felt foreign falling from my lips, i hated that feeling.

"Not at all, the dean had issued a letter to his father about his behavior... a second warning." She said taking a sip from her cappuccino.

"I'm sorry about that." I said genuinely, i had no idea not that I would have wanted to know. I didn't want to pry and frankly, we were now strangers and thankfully he was giving the the space I had asked for.

"Yes, he got into a fight for a girl." My breath immediately hitched in my throat.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that too. Harry and my brother-" I started but she cut me off.

"He has never done that for any girl, you know-" She said airily looking at me and that made me feel a tad bit horrible.

"It's my fault, my brother came onto him and I assume it didn't end well when they got to the frat house." I apologised sincerely.

"I understand." She paused. "He is inlove with you isn't he ?" She added and I stiffened in my seat.

"No, not at all." I laughed. "See Harry and I weren't serious... like you said at the party, i was just a distraction and it was just purely lust-" I rambled on and on and on she just looked at me with an amused look.

"I was wrong about that too." She replied.

"Anne, Harry and I just had-" She cut me off.

"Sex, yes but it meant more to him than just that." She said catching me off guard. It felt weird telling her that I was been having sex with her son, it wasn't appropriate.

I sighed looking away, how was i going to convince her that it was all a lie but most of all temporary.

"My son loves you." She added and I flinched.

"Uhm, i thought I loved him too but remember love is delusional. We talked about it at the party." I said encouragingly. "You know the routine the illusion that you can't live without someone, marriage, divorce."

"What if you had the routine with Harry but it doesn't end with a divorce."

"Anne, you are honestly thinking too far. We are only college kids these things happen-" I defended my idea of thoughts.

"I understand but-" I immediately cut her off.

"Your son ill treated me in high school, he  absolutely hated my presence not only him but my brother too. I'm just trying to continue with my life and move past that. I don't have anything against them, your son is an amazing person and so is my brother but I just think it would be best if they weren't in my life because all they do is  cause me pain."

"Remember when you asked me if I had ever been inlove or heartbroken well there's your answer I have loved your son from a distance ever since I was in tenth grade."

"I'm so sorry darling." She said gently. "Whatever your reasons are, i just think you should know that... that boy is madly head over heels inlove with you." She smiled softly.

"With the blonde hair, the person I was pretending to be not with this person you are talking to right now. The person he couldn't stand in high school."

"You are absolutely breathtaking my dear and my son would be very stupid if he ever let's you go." She said standing up. "Thanks for coming dear but I have to get going. Atleast you have heard what I had to say as his mother."

"I appreciated it, Anne. Thank you. I'm sorry for the mess my brother caused." With that she gave me a warm hug before walking away to pay the bill before giving me a wave as she existed the shop.

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