Burdened With Glorious Purpose

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"So Miss.Herron... is this your first time here" The woman in the desk infront of me asks. She looks like one of those receptionists you see on tv, she has grey hair  that is in a profesional bun, and glasses that are too big for her face -her name is Mrs. Myra.

"Umm... Yes I sent my application in online... You see I just moved here last week, and I didnt have time to come in and fill out an job application I was still getting settled in." I reply. My move wasnt sudden or anything... I just forgot to find a job before I moved. You see the last town I lived in was in Virginia, I had just graduated from high school. My problem was that was a dead line for me (that I was expecting) and my mom kiked me out. My mom hated to have me around, I hated to go out side, to socialize with other people. I very rarely talked (same now too) , I was

scared to talk to others to be honest- althought I have never had a good reason why. So my mom had gotten sick of me and said after graduation I was out.

"Okay, well from the looks of it you have the job... Just bring in your one article a week of the sunday paper and you are good, no need to give you a desk or anything, but all reasorces that you need are here and avalible. Turn in your first article next friday" She says to me, handing me a news paper reporter pass.

"Thank you, have a good day" I quickly say as I get up and rush for the door, behind me she grunts in reply.

  Outside the air is nice and warm. Not that I enjoy warm, but this small town in Texas was the easiest for me to move to. I dont have a car, but I dont mind walking. In this small pit stop of a town walking anywhere is no problem and I live all the on the edge of the town in an old house only a thiry minuite walk from the Shorick Times news paper building. My uncle had at one time owned the old house, but when he died he left it to me in his will.

  When I arrive home I pick up my mail from the mail box. Nothing much other than junk so I throw it away in my big green trash bin outside. Now the house isnt took small, it has two bedrooms, a full size kitchen, a living room, a dining room, and a bathroom. But the house is old and it looks just that... Like an old out of date house from the movies. I suppose I dont mind, I mean I'm not all that normal anyway. Here let me describle myself. I have long dark brown frizzy cruly hair that flows halfway down my back, big geek glasses, bkg blue eyes, short, and curvy... Not as in fat, but not particularly skinny either. And lets just say I have close to no life, unless you,can call having a you nose in a book 24-7 a life.

~~ There you go how about it, just me trying to describe Lynn. And sorry in advance this is my first fanfiction so I would aprriciate any feed backs :)

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