Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


  Today is the day Lynn will have to face me, I am giving her no choice. I deserve her, I earned her after all my hard work of trying to mend her, after each life wreaking problem.

  All I have to do is get her away from that obnoxious man....


  I am so glad to be going to the fair, despite the amount of people that will be there. Soon after I woke up this morning it hit me, the entire town will be at the fair today. People scare me when they are all together like that. The last time I went to such a public event I was scarred for life.

  I had been sixteen years old, and Belle had just convinced me to go to the jubilee with her. She had pestered me for days, so I finally gave in. She had not told me that my ex-boyfriend was going to be there. And so when I saw him I got instantly scared, and when he saw me he decided to act. He had drug me away from Belle and threw me on to one of the tracks of a rollercoaster... I had nearly died.

  I mean I suppose its silly to still be scared, and of the people and him... not even rollercoasters. Isn't that dumb, I'm scared he will pop out of no where and try to kill me again.

  I'm gathering my purse whilst Loki is waiting for me by the front door.

  "Why are you looking so worried... I won't let her touch you" Loki says. I guess I'm not doing good in hiding how scared I am.

  "Yes I know Loki ... I know" I am now standing beside him so that we can leave. Suddenly I feel his hands on my shoulder and he is pushing my back to the door and placing himself very close to me.

  "Then calm down" he breaths in my face, causing me to shiver and for my cheeks to heat up.

  "I'm trying" I say in a whisper - unable to speak above that.

  He leans his face don to mine, our noses now touching. My breath begins to become frantic. "Maybe we shall do something to help you" god how perfect could his voice get.

  "Loki... this is making me feel far from calm" I manage to say before he places a kiss on my cheek. Slowly he trails down my neck, searching for my sweet spot.

  "Well now... is that so" his breath tickles my neck, and I place my hands on his chest now using him as support to help me stand. And with that he finds my sweet spot and begins to suck on the delicate skin, I moan in absolute pleasure.

  "Loki..." I gasp when it almost becomes too much.

  He smiles against my skin "again" he demands.

  "What?" I am now slightly confused.

  He lifts his head and his emerald eyes meet my blue ones "My name, say it again". This time it is an order.

  "Loki" I whisper in a shakey breath. Like that everything disappears. Loki presses his lips against mine. Our lips begin to dance together in the most pleasurable ways. I bring my hands up into his hair needing him closer to me, then he presses me harder against the door. All too soon he pulls away.

  "We could stay here and do this all day, but unfortunately we do have plans ... just remember this moment when we are at the fair today" he tells me before placing a small kiss on my lips.

  Wonderful the fair... just what I was thinking about five seconds ago - not!



  It is now night and the fair is in full swing. I have purposely kept my distance from Lynn and that man. Sticking to my extreemly detailed plan. Lynn has no clue how truly distructive it can be.

  I am walking through a group of people to the space caster - a ride in which spins you around in circles-; when some one grabs my arm tightly "Now mortal, where do you think your off to... you and I have business" says a British sounding voice. I turn around to face him, Lynn's man. I give him an evil smile to match the look I know is in my eyes.

  "Oh looky here has the big man finally come to steak his claim in the much wanted Lynn Herron" my voice drips with deadly words, lacing the beginning of my trap.

  "Come mortal" stupid man... what does he mean by mortal anyways - bah who cares. I allow him to pull me along to the only tent not being used in this section. I feel the lump in the back of my shirt to make sure its still there, the grand part of my plan.

  Only moments later do I hear Lynn's voice "Loki... what are yo- " she stops talking when she enters the tent to find me standing with the man whom I can only assume is Loki.

  "Ahh Lynn how nice of you to join us... too bad you have to leave us" in this moment I am pure evil, o can feel it. I reach for the lump in the back of my shirt and pull out my gun and shoot her in the head.

She drops to the ground like a sack of potatos blood pooling around her. Now everything around me has disappeared and I am truly happy with myself as I point the gun at my own head and pull the triger.


- An hour before -


  When we had first arrived at this fair I was unsure about being here. Never in all my days have I ever seen so many people line up just so they can feel a rush.

  "What exactly do you like about these rollercoster things" Lynn is standing beside me holding tickets in one hand as I hold her other hand in mine. She turns to face me.

  "I don't really like them... I mean I'm not scared of them or anything, I prefer to play the games in the tents" she says giving me a heart stopping smile.

  "Games?" I ask her, and she just gives me a big smile and pulls me along.

  After playing about fifty games, I begin to think about my plan to make her all mine. And once I spot the mortal Belle I tell Lynn to stay where she is and wait for me. Then I make my way over to Belle and grab her arm " Now mortal where do you think your off to... you and I have business".

  She turns to face me and gives me and odd look and smile "Oh looky has the big man finally come to steak his claim on the much wanted Lynn" she says in a detached horid tone.

  "Come mortal" I say harshly and pull her into an empty tent. And she comes all to willingly.

  Just as I am about to speak I hear Lynn's voice "Loki what are yo-" she walks in the tent and stops mid-sentence when she sees Belle and I.

  "Ahh Lynn how nice of you to join us... too bad you have to leave us" Belle almost sounds pleased, so I look at her to see what exactly is going on. She reaches behind her and pulls something out. A gun! And before I can act she has pulled the trigger. And when I look backfire Lynn she is on the ground, blood pooling around her dead. My heart riposte and shreds itself as I fall to my knees at her. I vaguely her the next shot as I begin to cradle Lynns head in my lap. "No.. no no no no no..." all I can do is repeat myself, heartbroken of this mortal lying dead in my arms... no not just a mortal... the only one who has ever made me feel.

~~ Okay my wonderful Lokians... did I rip your hearts out... good -jk I cried as I wrote this. I have ripped my own heart out as well :'(  To be honest I have planned this since I wrote Belle into the story... but please don't worry I shall give your hearts back - I would be a horrible person if I didn't. I love you my Lokians <3

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