Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I woke up today, a happy man. But soon after I woke up, after I discovered Lynn being alive... something happened. The flying boat of the Avengers began to fall to the ground. At first they thought they could fix the engines, and the smartest mortals Banner and Stark left. But they couldn't fix them. So everyone aboard evacuated to the helicopters and jets. And just as we were all safe in our flying machines, we watched as the flying fortress plummeted into the deep ocean. Fury decided the best place to go was S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters in New York City.... but none of us expected to see what we saw on the way...

As we flew across many states in a rush to New York, we saw nothing but destruction. Fire upon fire, people fleeing for their lives. And as much as the Avengers wanted to go and help, it was obvious that they would loose. The part that the Avengers concidered the worst came next. As we flew into New York, the destruction became even worse. And the only buildings that still stood tall were S.H.I.E.L.D and the Stark building.

This girl... this Belle Goddess of Vengeance. She showed how true her name was. She layed waste to every country, and built her own palace on the ruins ... Midgard.... Earth became hers. There was no fight for the Avengers at this point. So all of us - the Avengers, my brother, S.H.I.E.l.D workers, Lynn, and myself - came to Asgard.

Odin welcomed all of us with open arms. And he ensured that each and everyone of us had a place to stay. Odin rounded up every Asgardian willing to wage war on Belle for earth. The Avengers made a plan to give Belle a taste of vengeance like no other, although I find it foolish - she is after all the Goddess of Vengeance.

And to speak of myself in this time of eager war planning.... I have seen a change. I've become different ... more than I was before. A scientist would call it a mutation. Ever since Lynn cured me of Belle's posioning... my voice seems to do more harm than good. And I mean that literally, my voice hurts the ears of others. Maybe... just maybe the only cured to the poison was a curse sealed by a kiss...

~~Dear Lokians, I hope you've enjoyed it :) I know the endind to this book was a bit different then any of you expected... but I like to keep things interesting.

By the next weekend I should do my first publishing of the second book :) It will include a Point of View from all of the best characters... which was originally going to be the last five chapters of this book.

The next book will be called- Burdened With Glorious Purpose: The Sad Silence. And will focus a bit mire on Loki.

In addition, I will be bringing one book back concerning my other characters - Belle, Vanna, or Leilani. Although I'm not quite sure yet which one... maybe you could comment and tell me which of the three are your favorite and which one's book you'd like me to bring back :D

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!!!! <3. xoxoxoxo ~~

p.s - sorry for the short ending :)

p.p.s - I would like to thank and dedicate this book to-

svartelfheim for her wonderful support and friendship :) <3

Jadayia_0702 also for her friendship and support <3 luv u girl

Lady_Laufeyson for taking the time to read it :) <3

Heavenlyreality99 for all the wonderfulness and love and comments :) <3

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