Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

   "Loki Luafeyson, you are standing here and now before me for your acts agianst me. You are here and now judged for your act in false death, and your thievery of my throne. At one point and time you were to rot in a cell for the rest of your years, but now I Odin banish you to Midgard where you are to live amungst mortals that,you were so egar to rule. Shall you atempt to or plot aginst their relm an assasin will be sent in your wake. And with that I Odin cast you out" and he bangs his staff on the floor.

I am flying throught the air, through what looks to be millions of colors, and then everything goes black.

Every part of my body hurts, even to lift a finger. Its not like this was the first time I have fallen through relms, no the first time I chose it- I had chose death... But I couldnt even,manage to kill myself. Is there anything I can do right. Every plan I had made so far, foiled. I have no family to lean on, and never have I truly anyways.

   I open my eyes. Well that explains why every thing is so bright, the sky is bright blue and its day time, when I had my eyes closed I could see light peaking in through my eyelids. I sit up, and grunt loudly in pain, curseing Odins name. Looking,around I find that I am out side of a town that seems to be strangely small.

"Oh my are you alright" I hear a soft womans voice ask. I turn my head up ward to find a short young woman standing above me.

"What concern is it of yours mortal" I demand annoyed she has not offered me help.

"Mortal... What.. Nevermind, here let me help you" she seems confused by my woeds while she leans down at asist me.

"What is your name mortal?" I ask, while she struggles to help me on to my feet.

"Umm, its Lynn... And yours" she seems hesitant to speak, as if it suits her ill.

"I am Loki" I boast, she must have heard about me after New York, I am now  steady on my feet.

"oh... Is there anywhere I can help you to, say your house perhaps" her big blue eyes avoid meeting mine, as she seems to want to get rid of me.

"My house, oh no. I live not here, I am a god I come from Asgard, I do not live in one of your simple un-servanted houses" I now glare at her, insulted at her asumption.

"Umm, I think I need to go, have a good day" I now towered over her, whilst she tries to rush away. So I grab her arm, making her stay.

"No mortal, do you not beleive me... Oh well you shall see soon enough, take me to your house or what ever you call it" I demand, gripping her arm tightly. She whimpers in pain, fear filling her eyes, whilst she complys to my order.

So I know this is short, but I promise the next chapter wont be. I just wanted to introduce Loki and show how Him and Lynn meet, and in the next chapter it will show her side of finding him and such. I hope you will read more. Oh and this is going to be a series of books soooo yeahh :) dont forget to vote.

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