Chapter 4

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~~ So I have a name for my Loki fans... Lokians!!! :D

If none of you mind the nick name. So just to clear it up, I will try to update every day. Although sometimes I will just make my chapters longer, cause if I updated every day like that I would start my second book next month... that might happen anyway... but anywho... I'm a fast thinker when it comes to writting books and if I don't get my ideas down fast they are lost forever :P If anyone has any ideas for me to put in the book feel free to share and I will try to add them in if I can. Oh and I want a new character to add in... something like Lynn's old best friend - but I need some ideas so please share :D~~

Chapter 4


  Mission accomplished!!! What!! Had this strange girl just gone on a mission for a simple book...

  "You are strange midgardian" I say giving her a look. She shows me a fake sweet smile

  "What no calling me a mortal this time Loki, you strange Godassian" she mocks me.

  "What is this Godassian you speak of?" I have heard midgardian terms before ... but this is a term that must be new - even to them.

  "Yes you are a god who is also an ass so godassian... enjoy the new nick name" her sky-blue eyes look deep.into my green ones as if expecting a reaction - but I shall give her no such thing.

  "Sure thing princess... enjoy the new nick name" I return the mockery to her and give her a wicked smile.

  She chuckles sarcastically "Come. I have boxes that need unpacking - godassian"



  To be honest Loki is a bit of a show off. When I had asked him a couple of minutes ago to move some boxes he concentrated and bam, the boxes where on the floor on the other side of the room. And when I told him he was lazy he replied by saying, that it would be lazy not to use what he has. And although I doubt that his brain is as perverted as mine he laughed when I blushed and face-palmed myself.

  Ya ya I know what was there to blush about? Nothing really but it was one of those moments when I decided to think about how good he looks and sounds, and Ya I've known him less than a day but he really does look and sound that good. If I was my little sister I would have probably jumped on him by now - no matter he would just push me off.

  We have now finished unpacking my living room and I have decided to give up for the night, seeing as every time I turn around Loki does another thing to irritate me or make me blush.

  "Loki I'm going to order a pizza for dinner" I say picking up my cell phone.

  "What is pizza" he say and wrinkles his nose as if disgusted.

  "You will find out soon enough"I reply then dial the pizza place and place my order. Then I leave the money and tip with Loki and tell him I'm going to shower "You be nice to the pizza man" I say turning to go to the bathroom.

   As the hot water touches my back I relax, I began to daydream about waking up tomorrow - there will be no Loki, this will have all been a dream all of it.


  I wait in the arm chair in the living room, for 'pizza' to arrive. I can hear when Lynn starts the shower and when she steps in, because the sound of water hitting the tub fades away in to a softer sound. This mortal is indeed strange, allowing me in her home, leaving me alone, buying stuff for me, and then trusting me with her money. Any other mortal would probably report me to some sort of guard or something.

  There is a loud knocking on the front door, I quickly go to answer it.

  "Here is your pizza sir that will be..." a young weird man begins but I cut him off.

  "Here" I shove him the money then say, "have a nice night" and close the door.

  Lynn had said to be nice right? And for me that was nice, no such food servant would have been given good tidings after giving the food to me back in Asgard. So yes it was nice. I look down at the strange flat box in my hands. I place it on the table in the room and return to my seat to wait for Lynn.

  By the time she has come back to the living room.I have nearly fallen asleep.

  "I hope you were nice to the pizza man Loki" she walks in in a well fitted night gown and robe.

  "Yes as nice to him as that gown is to you" I say, looking her up and down once more. She gasps and closes her robe, covering herself from view. Then she glares at me.

  "Are you hungry" she asks me whilst opening the pizza box, reveling a strange food.

  "Yes, if course" I say in atone so that it will make her feel stupid for asking her question.

  "Alrighty then.. eat as much as you want, I'm going to bed. I have stuff to work on tomorrow" she once again leaves me alone in her living room.


  I am extreemly hungry, but I don't really want to eat. I want to hurry off to bed so that when I wake in the morning everything will be normal, and I won't have a god sleeping in the next room.

~~ Ha Ha godassian. I enjoyed writting this chapter so much - even if it may be a little short to some of you out there. And I can't wait for the new character... but I also can't start the next chapter with out it so please give me ideas :D Well until next time my Lokians... (still hope you don't mind the nick name).  :)

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