Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


  I stopped. My mind did an instant replay of the words Belle just spoke. Goddess of Vengeance.... but how?

  "Awww Loki don't look so wounded ... I am a gift from your master. And you my dear fallen king shall soon know your true place in life" she mocks me. Master.... The Other!!! She is here to finish what I didn't ... here to kill me.

  "Vengeance is strong... be sure you can contain it Belle" I hope she drowns in her new found power before I can rip her beating heart from her chest. She shall know pain like no other... and I will give her this pain.

  "Loki ... you fool do you really see me as that daft... you must grow a proper brain. After all you will need it when I'm done here" ... why does her voice sound so close...? I look carefully at her face, trying to understand her meaning. Suddenly she punches me in the face. How did she do that!!! I fall backwards.

  As I look up she is standing before me with the septor I once help I'm her hands. "Loki you must be the most pathetic king that ever WAS" as she says the word was I watch her drive the septor into my side. The last thing I see is fire everywhere ... then darkness.



  I watch as Leilani unlocks Vanna's cell with some strange key. I think back to what Vanna said about me... the destined one. What could that possibly mean?

  "It could mean many things dear... but please stop shouting" Leilani says to me.

  "Yes she does need training... her thoughts are a bit loud" Vanna says and covers her ears.

  "I don't understand, what do you mean my thoughts are loud" now I am panicked... can they hear everything I think?

  "You are projecting your thoughts dear..." Leilani gives me a warm smile in hopes of comforting me.

  I shut myself down and just watch the two of them as we leave the prison.



  "You had your chance foolish god, now you must face her. I give you no choice, but if you can defeat her... you life will be your own. Do not forget that you will always be below me." I hear the master's voice in my ears, before I am thrown into reality.


  Slowly I open my eyes, only to be confronted with bright light.

  "Oh look mister I have an army is up" I hear Starks voice, ugh the sound of his voice is annoying.

  "Thank you metal man for your input" I hear Thor boom from beside me. ... Ahhh right the avengers, Belle,  Lynn.

  I turn my head to the right to look at Thor "Where am I brother" I demand.

  "In a medical room, Belle stabbed you..." he is leaving something out.

  "How long ago?"I ask, now feeling quite desperate.

  "From what I hear nearly a month and a half ago" a familiar voice says, whilst stepping into view.

  "Lynn!!!" I shout and feel my heart jump right out of my chest, plastering the biggest smile ever on my face.

~~Alrighty... do you like it?? I know you don't understand the last part, but the next chapter will fill you on on the month and a half of Loki's unconsciousness. Ta-ta for now my Lokians :)

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