Chapter 10

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~~Happy New Year Lokians!!!~~

Chapter 10


  "Well you sure do know how to make a mess of things" a deep manly voice says from behind me. I am in so much pain right now, and I no longer care if anyone can see it anymore.

  "Yes... I suppose I have made a mess" I am still cradling Lynn's head in my lap "She wasn't suppose to die... that crazy mortal... no she was evil. How could she" I stamper now careing to look up to see who I'm talking to.

  The man seems to hesitate "I am sorry for your loss Loki, but also I'm afraid you will have to come with me." Go! Where! I look up to find the man named Director Fury standing before me...ahhh yes S.H.I.E.L.D, The Avengers. I carefully place Lynn's head on the ground and stand up.

  "Alright" I say simply and wave my hands for him to lead the way.



  Fury has taken me to S.H.I.E.L.D and now I am standing before the avengers.

  "Whoa who stole your sunshine" the Stark man says in shock whilst looking in my face.

  "I'm afraid that Loki here has lost someone near and dear, and really isn't much doe conversation right now. But on the plus side he has agreed to join us" Fury says in his normal direct loud tone of voice.

The look on the peoples faces around me show that they expected something far different - even my brother who knows the guidelines of my sentence here on Midgard.

  "Wonderful dear brother! This shall be fun" Thor booms. I give him a small glare followed by a weak smile... Hmm I wonder if it would  make Lynn happy if I were to do this... even now that she is gone.

   Everyone soon took a hint, sewing as I am not making an effort to hide my emotions. What with my eyes filling with tears. They all apologize for my loss and get back to work as if they never hated me to begin with.

  "What exactly am I helping you with" I ask Fury. Confused at his eagerness to let me help them.

  "There is a girl here I would like you to see" he says emotionlessly then gestures for me to follow him

  We wind through many hallways until we come upon a big door and we enter. I stop... this is my prison - what in the. Wait who is that in the cell? There is a girl in the cell and she turns to face us. Belle!!!

  "You pathetic mortal. You... you mewl-" I run to the cell and begin yelling at her, but she interupts me.

  "Who is a mortal here, certainly not I... I am the Goddess of Vengeance"

~~Alright so if you don't understand what is going on here you will have to read my book - Burdened With Glorious Purpose -- Belle's Greed.

Btw how to you like that for a story change :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter my Lokians

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