Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~One Month at S.H.E.I.L.D~

~Third person point of view~

After Belle's escape, Fury rushes Loki to Dr.Banner in hopes of saving him. Despite Steve's distaste for Loki, he allows himself to understand his pain. In Loki's unconscious state, he has been screaming about Lynn's death, betrayal, and the death of his mother.

Once Steve realised Loki's pain he forces everyone out of the hospital-like room they put him in and stood guard. Steve found himself not caring that the hurt comatose man on the bed was Loki. No he considered him another who could understand all his pain, even if they only had one pain in common.

Bruce Banner spent every waking moment looking for a cure for Loki. The septer Belle had drove through his side had been laced with poision that was currently killing him. Although he only told this to Fury. Then Fury sent out numerous teams, in search for plants that Banner needed. But none of the plants seemed to be right for the cure. And after every failure Banner seemed more bitter, and beat down.


~ Sarah~

( a young new agent working with Banner and Fury)

Men are so complicated, and not like that. I mean in the way when everything goes wrong and they make things complicated. And to be specific I'm talking about Dr.Banner; so far we have tried 40 different cures and nothing has worked. I couldn't stay in the lab with him any longer, so I went in search for Thor.

"Thor" I call down the hallway I just saw him walk down. Then I hear heavy foot steps coming in my direction, right before Thor rounds the corner.

"Yes, Lady Sarah" Thor booms in his British sounding voice.

"I wanted to know if you will take me to Asgard to help them find a cure, I belive that maybe its something that isn't here in Earth" I say in a quick quite voice, so that no one else hears me.

"And does Fury know about this request?" he raises his eyebrow and leans down to my height.

"No, but I thought you would agree... he is your brother so I thouth-" I ramble.

"Well then we better hurry, before someone notices your absence" he cut me off, and then motions for me to follow him.

If Thor was going for sneaking, he was failing terribly. People could hear him coming from the other end of any hallway. And with every foot step of his that I could hear, my heart seemed to beat faster out of my chest. And when we reached the bifrost pad Fury had built, it didn't help my heart any that everyone could see it... even from the lab.

"Heimdall open the Bifrost." Thor booms.


(Still the first week in Asgard)


Nearly the whole week has passed, and I have discovered so much. I can create a ball of fire, of ice with my hands. I can make swords appear from thin air, and I can make my self disappear and be invisible (although it takes a lot of energy). Yes nearly a whole week, but of course there is always that one thing that makes everything crash...

"M'Lady the king requests your presence in the throne room" a servant comes in and breaks my concentration, causing me to fall from the ground from my attempted flying.

"Thank you Anya I'm coming, can you please have some lunch brought to my room" What could he want... he knows I'm training.

"Of course M'lady." she bows and then leaves.

I rush to the throne room and pause in its doors when I see a girl from Earth and and man who could only be Thor.

"Lynn, dear do come forth there is something we need to discuss" Odin says motioning me forward.

~~ I hope this chapter isn't too short :) I do promise they next one will be much more exciting!

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