Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


  Yes The Avengers. I feel a big grin spread across my face. The very fools who stood in my way. They will soon become they very fools who will help me. But first the foolish mortal who has allowed me to stay in her home. No I will not hurt her, but she could be very usefull if I am careful. It seems as if she is brakeable... yank her the wrong way and she is gone for good. Now that wouldn't be any help at all, now would it.

  There is a light knocking at the bedroom door. Which can of course only be Lynn. I go to open it "Yes" I say gentley, noticing pink that rises in her cheeks.

  "Would you care for some lunch... I mean this is a pretty hot climate so soup would be out of the question, but Umm I could make you a sandwhich or something" she looks down at her hands watching her own fingers twist together.

  "A... Sandwhich will be fine thank you" I say and stretch, wincing in pain.

  "Okay... would you care for some pain medication, I have some if you need..." She offers but I cut her off.

  "No, I shall be healed by late tomorrow morning, this pain is extreemly bareable." I don't need the medication, the pain is bareable- like I said.

  "Alright... well just come and if you need anything else" she audibly mumbles as she turns and leaves. And I close the door and lay back down.

   Yes she is different then most mortals, too trusting - but yet not trusting enough. You can see it in her sky blue eyes, people have hurt her... in a way that has taken her trust and crumbled it up.

I close my eyes and allow myself to drift to sleep.

"No how could you, it is a simple task my son. You could have gained back their trust you could have had our family whole again."my mother tells me.

  "Whole, we never where, it was an act I was nothing but a frost giant to you and him. He never truly cared... all I ever was, was a means of bargaining -"

"No, my son I cared for you, loved you, it was never an act - for me or you father..." she pleads.


  My eyes fly open, tears fall down my cheeks. I miss her my mother, despite everything -  I know she always truly cared for me, unlike Odin. His diastase for me has been ever evident. My mother was not proud of me in my actions, and she thought she saw something in me that would bring back the innocent me, but she was wrong. But to have her back trying to save me - I would sit in a cell alone for thousands of years,... happy.


  I had gone and knocked on Loki's door nearly four hours ago and then walked in to find him asleep, so I sat his sandwhich on the side table of the bed and left him. Now I am unpacking some things in my living room just to get boxes out of my way.

  Most people would say, when unpacking that they can remember buying certain things with their family for their new house... not me. No my family hated to shop with me, appearently my taste was too weird to handle or something. Oh well. So I had shopped on my own.

  When I was younger I hated walking through stores at all, and was scared to be alone. But as I got older, lone trips to the store became like my own little adventure, and going to the store with family became even more hell.

   I look up from the box I'm unpacking, holding a picture frame in my hands. As I'm trying to decide where I'm going to put, when Loki appears in front of me from thin air. "Ahh" I scream and trip backward, making boxes behind me fall. A dark chuckle comes from another direction, and I look up to see another Loki in my arm chair. "What in the holy high hell!!" I whisper.

  "I was unaware the hell could be holy or high" Another Loki step out in front of me and offers me a hand up.

  "I'm not accepting your help... for all I know your just tricking me" I push the hand aside and stand up.

  "Oh well, its very rare I offer help, but if you must decline" and the Loki in front of me bows and

disappears in a poof... well more like he melted away.

  "Okay I get it you have proved your point, your a stupid god... now stop joking around, before I get hurt...or something gets broken" I add the last bit while I am searching for the picture frame I've just misplaced in my fall.

  "Alright, anyways I need more clothing." Says what I assume is the real Loki.

  "Sure whatever... but if I take you shooping you have to help me unpack" I say in a stern voice, now extreemly irritated with his damandingness and rudeness.

  I look around to find Loki waiting for me by the front door. I put my picture frame back in the box, when a thought pops in to my head "Oh yeah, and we are going to stop by the Library so I can get another book... seeing as when I was going before, I ended up with you insted" I grab my bag and keys, then nudge him out the front door.

  "Do not push me mortal, I am a god" He snaps whilst batting my hands away. Ugh his voice again its so velvety- wait stop he just snapped at you, and your thinking about the smoothness of his voice. Snap out of it girl, god or not he doesn't need to talk to you that way.

  "I didn't push you I nudged you, and so what if your a god, how does that have anything to do with me nudgeing you" I snap back at him, outing malice in my voice.

  He glares at me with his pericing green eyes, then puts a mischievous smile on his face "Well look at that little princess is fistey" she mocks me. And this time I push him, and really hard.

  "Lets go before I decide that I want to unpack alone."


  Lynn had taken me to a store and allowed me to pick and try on clothing, then she paid for them. Now we are in a small pathetic library and she is picking a book.

  "You know you could pick randomly... it would probably make the read more insteresting coming from this place" I say waving my hand around to show how punny this place is. She just glares at me and walks off to a different section of the library.

  Hmm what would make someone move to such a pathetic town... surley she has a good reason. I run my hand through my hair, trying to decide wheater or not to follow her. I find her talking to the librarian in a hushed voice. I have never though librarians could hold interesting conversations seeing as they spend all their days with books.

  When Lynn walks over to me she has a book in her hands and a look of triumph on her face. I raise one eyebrow "Why so happy mortal?"

  She looks up at me with her see blue eyes through her glasses and says only one thing "Mission Accomplished" and she smiles very widely. What the hell it that supposed to mean.

~~Well looky there I guess Lynn made friends with the librarian after all. And wasn't that mean that Loki played that trick on her... well he did say that he didn't promise to behave. And he wad crying over his mom!!! Well we all know that despite everything, he loved his mommy. It should be interesting to for Loki to help Lynn to unpack LOL :) until next time.

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