Chapter 8

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~~Hello my Lokians I know I said that the next update would be New Years itself... but my special friend Jadaiya Jordan has convinced me to update early. So here it is. Now there will not be much of Loki if any in this chapter(I am saving him fir the new year)... it is all focused on Lynn and the Goddess Leilani (new character by they way - I hope you love her cause I know I do.) And I am still going to accept 4 more spoiler questions... cause I'm not done tramatizing you yet *evil Loki laugh* Enjoy!!! :) ~~

Chapter 8


  Death is much sweeter than it should be. And while I'm falling in to darkness I am embracing it all to easily. I had not expected Belle to go that far - I though she was done with her suicidal ways... much less murderous ways. I feel no pain, as I let memories wash through me. The last of my memories with Loki, where my chest should be clenches in pain.

  I open my eyes, and I'm back in the tent with Loki cradling my head "Loki- don't cry ... I'm here please" I reach for his face but my hand goes straight through him. Noooo!! I'm really dead - but... nooooo!! I stand up quickly in spirit form and look at my dead body and then over to Belle's body. Oh my god she killed herself too... but why?

  "I can imagine your pain" a soft woman voice comes from behind me "I see death everyday"

  I turn to face a short woman who looks my age, with a warm brown colored skin and bright brown eyes, with hair so perfect you would think she was a model -if not for her height. "Who are you" I'm not scared of her, but I do not want to talk about my death.

  "My dear I am Leilani Goddess of pure souls and the heavenly after life" she gives me a warm smile "and I am here to take you to my realm - after all death suits you ill. Come" she holds out one of her small hands for me to take. I slowly reach for her hand and grab it,  suprised that I can touch her.

  The Goddess looks up to the sky and says one simple thing "Don't let go".

  Suddenly we are sucked into a million colors at the speed of light, and as soon as it happens it ends and we are standing in a room with golden walls and what looks to be a throne.

  "Where are we" I ask in astonishment.

  "We are in Asgard, my home and ahh yes there is Odin". She rushes to hug an old man who has on garnish clothing and an eye patch over one eye "My king I have brought you the mortal you wished to see... but I do need to do a bit of work... seeing as I was too late" the goddess bows her head.

  The king - Odin looks straight at me "I am sorry for your death my dear... but now I must make you a goddess and you in spirit form will make it much less painful" well he gets straight business, doesn't he now.

  "A goddess... but I've done nothi-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

  "Your hope is like a light that should never die out... and you seem to provide people with good redemption... like my son" he explains whilst walking to the throne.

  "Your son?" I ask in confusion ... who is his son.

  "Loki, although he will not take claim to it... he is adopted. None the less he is my son, one that I have recently removed my claim from" holy crape on a cracker! Seriously Lynn ... okay yes he is Loki's dad, but do you hear the pain in his voice... say something.

  "I am so sorry... Loki has never spoken of his family... when ever I have asked him he shuts down entirely. "

  "Yes well lets get on with this, because once you are a goddess you will have a lot of work to do. And I'm afraid you will not be visiting Midgard for a while"

  All I can do is nod my head, saddened that I will not see Loki for a long while.


  They had told me that it would be painless - and they were right. As I lie here allowing Odin to make me a Goddess I feel like I'm floating on a cloud of light... and then it happens I am engulfed in darkness..


  "My king it has been so long... are you sure that she has pulled through the veil between worlds and is now a goddess?" I am scared for Lynn. Her light, her soul is so pure - I would hate to have ruined her. Although I am positive she will make a wonderful Goddess.

  "Yes I am sure, you see she is already waking up" Odin says and points to Lynn's moving fingers.

I watch as Lynn slowly sits up and takes in her new radiant form. She looks exactly the same - aside from no glasses and no flaws.

  "When you are comfortable with your new form, you will be sent to train with a warrior named Sif, she will train you so you can fight The Other." and just like that Odin leaves us. And Lynn looks as if she is about to have an heart attack.

~~Okay so there it is. Lynn is a goddess now and to be specific she is the goddess of Hope and Redemption. How do Ya like that!! sorry if its a little short but you have to admit you weren't expecting this. :)

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