Chapter 9

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~~ Yeah so I have another new character :) and soon she will have her own book too! I think all you Lokians will love her.~~

Chapter 9


  "Training... no why!" how can they make me a goddess and then make me go train for war. I bury my face in my hands - I hate fighting.

  "I'm sorry dear, but there is something I would like to show you before we meet Sif" Leilani says trying to make me feel better. She offers me help off the bed- which I gladly take. "come" she takes me and pulls me along beside her.



  I hear foot steps coming, but I see no one yet. I don't get visitors here in prison. I had been the seventh avenger, when the program was initially invented. But one day I let my powers get out of control and then had to suffer asgardian justice. Although I vaguely remembered what happened that day.

  Now I can see two women - one I recognize "Well if it isn't the wonderful Leilani come to join me... have to gloat". I have never been fond of her pure heart.

  "Come now why would I do that, I have brought you someone who will soon need your help in special training" she wants me to train the girl in magic.

  "You do it - after all was it not Loki who trained you" at the mention of Loki the girls face flickers with what I recognize as pain, but she quickly recovers.

  "Odin has insisted upon it" Leilani must be truly daft that I would do any such thing.

  "I am a prisoner Leilani - I don't go around doing things for your king!" now with out getting something for it.

  "You will no longer be imprisoned, you shall live like anyone in the palace does Vanna"now I am truly confused, Odin would let me out to help some girl... wait.

  "Leilani who is this girl."

  "Vanna I would like you to meet Lynn Goddess of hope and redemption" she says simply.

  "The girl the book speaks of... the destined one?" now I am concerned of what Odin asks of me.

  "The very one"

~~So do you like her? I personally think Vanna is awesome. She is getting her own book too :) !!

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