Chapter 5

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~~Okay soooo... I was talking.g with my best friend and she gave me the perfect idea for my new character, I think all you wonderful Lokians will be kinda freaked by her, she does make everything a bit wanky...~~

Chapter 4


  I have finnaly found her house - after driving around this pit stop of a town for hours. I saw Lynn head into a house on the edge of town with some man. Some best friend she is, moving far away and getting a new boo thing without informing me -her best friend!

  Yes I know - who am I? Well I'm Belle, I have been Lynn's best friend since the ninth grade. I'm the tall one, the skinny one, the perfect no glasses perfect hair one. Me her other half, wasted my time with her non-social ass for four years. You could say I'm pretty pissed. I mean I didn't waste my time with her for her to just up and leave. And lets get something else clear, in high school there were rumors that I'm a lesbo and to be honest I am. Not that Lynn ever knew.

  I get out of my car and run up to her door. Ya sure its like midnight but I don't care I bang on the door anyways.


  "Lynn" Loki shakes me awake. I groan and roll over to face him.

  "What" I mumble sleepily. Why did he have to wake me up, I was sleeping so good.

  "There is someone banging on your front door" he says almost sounding scarred.

  "Well than tell who ever it is to go away, its the middle of the night" I tell him. His eyebrows knit together but he leaves my room anyway, closing my door behind him. I listen carefully to hear what was going on. But the next thing I can hear after the front door opening is yelling.

  "OH NO - NOT HOW THIS WORKS LYNN!!! GET OUT HERE NOW!" shit Belle found me.

  "LOOK HERE MORTAL, YOU WILL LEAVE THIS HOUSE NOW." Loki yells in return, keeping his promise of protection.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ANYWA-" Belle's voice is cut off by the sound of my door slamming.

  I stand up from my bed and walkout in to the living room to Loki. Instead I see a man with blue skin and red eyes, with almost a design embedded in to his skin. "Loki... are you alright" I whisper and reach out and touch him. He looks at me as if the contact I have made with his skin could kill.

  "Who is that wretched mortal?" he asks as his skin slowly returns normal, disappointing me - I had wanted to feel the lines along his skin. Daydreaming again - seriously, just answer the man Lynn.

  "Somebody I used to know... um she used to be my best friend but I soon discovered her obsession with me, and so I moved without telling her." I frown and look down at my hands.

  I feel one of his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him "So you are telling me a woman wanted you the way... I want you" ... wait a minute what did he just say? He wants me... what!?!

  "You want me... no not possible I've only known you barely a day... and yes I do mean that" only one day, that's not long enough. I mean is it?

  "Oh yes, like I said before that night gown does wonders to a mans thoughts" a wicked grin spread across his face. I feel my cheeks heat up.

  "Yes well anyways it looks like she has found me, I don't what I'm going to do. She is going to make my life hell until I face her." I tell him, allowing my fear to seep in to my voice.

  "No, I have promised protection over you, she will do no such thing."he tells me seriously.

  "Alright Loki ... I suppose that I'm happy you are here... goodnight and thank you Loki " I lean forward and give him a small hug, before going back to my room to sleep.

~~So I'm sorry this was so short, but I just had to introduce Belle to everyone. And show off her crazyness. So tell me what you think of her... is she too much.  Thanks my Lokians... hope your enjoying your holiday break :)

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