Sneak Peak!!!!

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~~I know, I know - I only just told you in my other update today that I was going to publish the first part of the second book next weekend. But I had some free time on my hands.. And lucky you now you get a sneak peak!!! I hope you enjoy it and will start to read the second book and every new update and I do apologise for it being so short... I wanted to keep you wanting more

:) ~~


Burdened With Glorious Purpose: The Sad Silence-



Have you ever felt so lost.... so broken, that you know everythings your fault? Everything was supposed to be over when I left Belle to burn alive in that fire. Who fights the fire of vengeance with yet another fire... it would never end well. Now Earth is hers and it is my fault. I should have stayed... I should have fought harder. And when I returned to Asgard, no one looked at me any different. They still saw me as perfect - like I had done nothing wrong! I was not punished for leaving without Odin's permission, instead I was praised for bringing Loki back... for saving him. Had I known the price for his life... I don't know what I would have done.

Loki these days tries to comfort me... but I feel as if somethings wrong with him. The Loki I see everyday is not the same, he speaks very little as if his voice were to kill. To be honest I miss his voice... but I can't even manage to tell him.


Since everything that has happened on Earth I have seen more death so close together in time... than I have since the holocaust. I can feel the pain of them when they die. And some leave behind memories in my head... and they play as nightmares as I sleep. Perhaps they should have named that woman the Goddess of Wrath ... or maybe not.

I have made trips to Earth, just to look for life. But the life I have found was much different than I expected. She has made towns around her palace... she has truly made the world hers.

   It is her spirit that I will destroy when she dies... and that is what I look forward to at this point.


She took me... when everyone was turned around... she took me. At this point I wish for my prison cell back on Asgard. Here where ever I am, everything is black... I can't even see my hand in front of my face.

She took me...

She took me...

She took me...

She took me... when everyone was turned around... she took me...

She took me...

~~BTW! I have published the book, And you will all be adding it to your libraries so that you can get every new update :) Love y'all xoxo <3 ~~

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