Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

-Week One In Asgard-


After learning that I can project my thoughts, I became the shy person I have always been. I didn't want to get so involved that I would share my thoughts with others. Not that it worked very well; that night at dinner Odin covered his ears and demanded I quit being so depressed. I was unaware  that I had been thinking depressiong thoughts, I must have spaced out for a bit. Then Vanna explained to both him and me that I can not at the moment control my thoughts, because I lacked control of my thoughts when I was mortal - and that it would be one of the more important things she would begin to teach me the next day.

"We have much to learn and not long to teach you Lynn" Vanna tells me as we walk down a corridor to a training room.

  "How long is not long" I say, as I struggle to keep up with her long stride. I had never fast she walked until I had walked beside her.

"A little over a month... and as you know time on Asgard passes differently than time on Earth so really  we only have about two weeks" Vanna spoke as if it was going to be easy to teach me so much in a little time.

"That's not long at all" I mumble, my voice filled with worry and my head filled with thoughts of us loosing the war they want me to fight.

"Don't worry so much, all we have to do is find your anchor - something or someone that holds you in place while you allow the magic to take over... and I think we already have that" she glances over at me through her brown hair with wide eyes. She is talking about Loki, but how is he an anchor.

To be honest I would love to tell you what Vanna looks like... but there is an issue with that. Vanna, upon being placed in prison changed her form. What I see is much different than what she looks like. What I see is a woman with dark brown hair and pale skin, with golden cat eyes... although her hair is more like a maine of a lion. One day I had asked her about her appearance; she told me that if she had not been human that it would have been her true form. That was the last we spoke of her looking half woman half lion, meaning I had to ignore her tail that swished back and forth whilst she planned. She told me every god and goddess has an animal form, and that mine would fit me very well.


I close my eyes and concentrate. Forgetting that I am in a room - but instead travelling through time. Around me I feel the air change, be one dense and heavy. I can hear the busy noise of cars, and smell the obnoxious smell of pollution. The stale air clouds my found senses, so I am forced to open my eyes. Unlike back on Asgard it is dark out... whatever year this is. I am stanging on a roof building, in a city I have never been, looking down at the street.

"The city is so beautiful.... but nothing like the country" someone says from beside me. Looking over I see a woman with hair as brown as mine, she is very tall and dressed like a princess. "I'm so glad you have come to visit me in the past my child"

"Your child?" I know who my mother is.... the mean woman who didn't like me. The woman turns to face me. I gasp.... she looks like me.

"Everything is not what it seems my child, don't let the vail cover your eyes or you will be blind" Her deep wise blue eyes burn in to mine as she softly touches my face.

"Please... can you explain" I plead as she begins to trun away, but suddenly Loki's face flashes in my head and I am torn away from the woman.

I feel the room around me, and the presence of another person. "My King" I say formally, when I realize the feeling of his mind. I can't read minds but every mind feels different.

"Was Vanna not arround to help with your practice?" Odin comes to stand infringe of me and I open my eyes. He towers over me, but at the moment he is not serious, instead he is curious.

"Yesterday day we discovered my anchor... and when we did that she said that was all she could teach me. So today I have been trying some things, and I belive that I am ready for the task ahead of me, my lord" I try to put as much as respect in my voice that I can, like a guard so I don't seem like just a friend.

"Yes my dear I belive you are too" then he gives me a big smile - the kind a father shows his children when he is extremely proud. So I open my mind and show him I everything I have done and seen today.

~~Hello my wonderful Lokians :D I hope you have been well! I'm sorry I don't update as often as I had been, but school gets in the way a lot. I hope you like this chapter, it took me a bit to write. And I changed it to a few chapters to explain the lost time from Loki's incident. I will try to update again tomorrow :)   Feel free to tell me any ideas you want to share with me!!!

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