Chapter 2

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   Chapter 2


   I am now home, sitting in my living room arm chair reading the end of a library book. Yesterday in my spare time before my job interview I stopped at the town library, they didn't have very much to pick from so I decided on a simple one - Black Beauty. The mind set of the horse has always been intriguing when ever I have read the book before. Just an hour ago I decided that I would finish the book and go back to the library, and get another. I have always been friends with the local librarian back home (and she always lent me her special books) so why not try that here... right?

   I slam my book closed, finished once again with the book. I grab my glasses from the side table next to my chair, put them on and stand up stretching. I rush to locate where I set my bag - thats when I see it. A bright blue light flashes outside and then there is a loud thud. Worried I quickly put the book in my bag, grab my keys half running out my front door locking it behind me.

    What seems to be two-ish blocks away, there is a man lying on the ground, I run to help him. As I get closer I see that he is in odd clothing - garnish looking, he has pale skin, with black long hair.

   The man slowly moved his fingers then opens his eyes forces himself to sit up, grunting in pain all the while. I stare at him before I can mannage to say anything. How are his eyes so green?

  Stop what are you doing thinking about his eyes help the poor fellow already.

  "Oh my are you alright?" I ask hoping that he hadn't know I had been staring at him.

He looks up at me "What concern is it of yours mortal?" he spits at me.

"Mortal... What.. Nevermind, here let me help you" why in the world did he call mortal... maybe he's nuts.

  "What is your name mortal?" dang he is heavy, wait he just asked our name answer dummy.

"Umm, its Lynn... And yours" I reply slowly, hmm I wonder if he is British.

"I am Loki" he says proudly. Hmm Loki how strange.

  "Oh... is there anywhere I can help you to, say your house perhaps?" I ask him in an attempt to hide my curiosity, but also to satisfy it with knowing where he lives.

  "My house, oh no. I live not here, I am a god I come from Asgard, I do not live in one of your simple un-servanted houses" he snaps at me-now glaring, his eyes burning deep into mine, he is now towering over me.Yep he's nuts time to go.

  "Umm, I think I need to go, have a nice day" I say quickly, turning on my heels to leave, but he grabs my arm.

  "No mortal, do you not believe me... Oh well you we shall see soon enough, take me to your house or what ever you call it" he demands and gripps my arm tightly. I whimper from the pain. Scared I do as he tells me.

   His grip doesn't loosen, until we get to my porch "I need to get my keys, they are in my bag" I tell him, avoiding his emerald eyes.

  "Allow me" he reaches in to my bag and pulls out my keys, then slowly hands them to me.

  "Thank you" I mumble as I unlock the door. Steping in to my house Loki looks around "You live here alone?" he asks in distaste.

  "Yes, I only just moved here last week." I begin to feel self-conscious of my small box cluttered home.

  "And all your things, I take it are in these strange boxes" he says, whilst opening one.

  Ya sure my house has a lot of unpacked boxes, but so what its not like I was expecting company anytime in the next ten years... well maybe not ten, but its a small town and I'm a quite person so like no company ever to be expected.

  "I want to stay here... I have no where to go..." he stops and thinks "May I stay here... Lynn, I cannot promise good behaviour but I can promise protection" ... good behaviour, what, and what do I need protection from. Oh that's right - nothing! But if

he is protecting me at least that means he won't hurt me.

  "I suppose you can stay in the extra bedroom, um I'm not really a social person, but as long as you clean up after your self - I'm no ones maid." He looks up from my box of things, with a sheepish smile.

  "Alright, may you show me the room"

  "This way"

   What are you doing Lynn, just because he is attractive you are gunna let him stay in your house... he's nuts! I hope I'm not going to regret this.


   After Lynn showed me to the room I told her I need time to rest and heal, so she let me be. That must have been an hour ago. Now I am lying in the small uncomfortable bed thinking about what to do next, where to go from here - if there is any place I can go whilst banished to Midgard. Thor had found a place amongst these mortals, but then again he has never wished to rule them as I have. These mortals will destroy their world at the rate they are going, but they are ill fit to be ruled, as I have learned.

   I suppose I could attempt to regain my self in Odin's eyes, allow him to see me a better self so that he will once again welcome me to Asgard with open arms. But then again, what is Asgard to me without my mother. No that would be the wrong thing to do.

    Ahh I know... The Avengers...

~~ So what do you think,  what do you think Loki will do with the avengers...? Oh and how do you like Lynns thoughts about Loki??? Sorry Loki's part was so short, but I wanted to leave you hanging, but next time I will pick up on his part :) .

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