Chapter 14

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~~ Hello my wonderful readers, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been dealing with alot at home :)

but here it is!~~

Chapter 14


~Unsure what week, on Earth~

They said Loki was hurt and dying, they said Belle did it. They asked me for help in finding the one thing that could cure him, they thought it was just some plant that they could find on another world. I knew they were wrong, after all Belle isn't dumb, she probably has the cure with her. So I went to Heimdall armor and all, and asked him where Belle was. From the wise look  he gave me, he seemed to agree with me. And when he located her, I asked him to place me there.

So here I stand, in the middle of and abandoned town. Sword in one hand, searching for Belle. As I walk around it seems more and more obvious that this town had recently been abandoned. Every sign, every word I see here is in French. She cleared an entire town.

"Pssst" I hear. I turn around quickly looking every where around me until I come across a young woman peeking around a corner. I rush quickly to her and she grabs my hand firmly and takes me to a place hidden. Then she begins to frantically speak in French. I shake my head very quickly. "Your no French" the woman says with a heavy accent.

"No... what happened here" I reply, with hopes she can explain everything to me.

"A woman she come, she use magic, now whole France ... like this... in one day" the woman uses her hands when she speaks, with her voice shaking with fear.

"She took down your entire country in one day!"  my heart begins to race with my rage. All my logic goes out the window, and my fists curl. I run back into the street, and yell "Belle, Belle damned you I know your there"

"Yes I'm here" the same woman walks into the street and stands infringe of me, then slowly she melts into "Belle "And to be quite honest it was a little under a day for me to take down this country, and the most of it was simple fun. And on another honest note... its quite shocking to see you alive. But I can fix that" she gives me an evil grin that sends chills down my spine.

"I want the cure Belle" I say firmly, letting fire light in my eyes.

"Ahh yes the cure, its so simple just like in the fairy tales a kiss.... its too bad though it will never happen" and just like that she waves her hand at my face, and I go flying through at least three buildings. "My dear Lynn I've been doing things like this for seven days... and the army I've got is better that any that has ever existed.... and I'm saving the precious Untied States for last" I'm up on my knees when I'm balsted again, this time with pure ice.

I create fire in my hands and blast it in the direction I belive she is in. Then I get up and run at top speed. An explosion from behind me trips me and sends me flying into the ground, and everything goes black.


The strong smell of smoke fills my nose, as I open my eyes. Yards away I can't hear violent screams and pleas of a woman.

"Heimdall... the bifrost" I choke out,  as smoke fills my lungs and darkness takes me again.

~~ Hello my lovely Lokians :) I am sorry to say that this first book is close to its end :'( But not to worry, I plan on more books to come :) and I hope this wasn't too short for you, I hope you liked it :) ~~

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