Please leave

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"Hey sleepy head, are you ready for dinner?"
"Yeah! Wow, how long was I asleep?"
"Three hours."
"Oh my gosh!"
"I went in to check on you and you were out! Poor thing! Hopefully you feel better now."
"Much! Mmm, it smells so good!"
"Thanks, hopefully you like it."
"Oh God, I do already!  This looks amazing!"
Jessica laughs and touches her stomach, "The babies like it too, they're kicking already!"
"Aw! Can I feel?"
"Of course!" Jessica turns to her.
"Oh my gosh! Wow, that's crazy!"
Jessica smiles and crinkles her nose.
"Well you go sit down and I'll serve you."
"Oh no, Sarah, I'm fine!"
"Okay." She smiles and walks over to the table.
"So, what will you be doing about a doctor? I know you really don't want to be seen, so can we bring one to the house?" She asks, making her plate.
"I don't know.. I know a midwife will, but I can't have my babies at home and I think that's the only reason you get a midwife."
"Oh, well we can research and see if a regular doctor can come over."
"So since you don't want a home birth, I'm assuming you're wanting an epidural?" She chuckles.
"Well I want to see how long I can go without one, but I at least want the option to get one when I'm in pain. If I had a home birth, then I'd be stuck like chuck!"
"You'd rather be safe than sorry, huh?" Sarah laughs.


The next day...

"Hey Jess, I need to run to the store really quick, will you be okay by yourself?"
"Of course!"
"Alright, I'll be back, call me if you need anything."
"I will, thanks."

Soon after Sarah left, Jessica got a call from her parents.

"Jessie, baby, we are so so sorry, we had no idea that you were going through this!" Dorothy says.

"Yeah, Jess, we feel horrible. We want you to know that we will not tell Sam where you are... but sweetie, New York is a very busy place and you can't hide forever."

"I know, but I just need to at least be with a friend right now.. I don't want to go anywhere else... I don't have anywhere else to go.. and Sarah will take such good care of me!"

"Can we come see you? I don't know how I'm gonna do it without seeing you all the time. I wanna see you grow and be there for you during every moment in this pregnancy." Dorothy says.

"I know, mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't have a choice though.. But please feel free to visit whenever you like. Just let me know and I will pay for everything."

"Oh we can't ask you to do that." Albert says as Jessica interrupts.

"You're not asking, I'm insisting!"

"Well thank you so much, sweetie. How are you and those babies feeling today?"

"Great! Very relaxed for once." She smiles.

"Well good! Call me, baby, for every single millstone you hit.. everything! Even if it's just that you like chocolate ice cream with your pickles instead of strawberry ice cream." Dorothy says.

"Haha! I will! Even though I can't imagine that. Chocolate makes me throw up.. these babies are not a fan." She nods her head and rubs her stomach.

"Awe!... Well we better let you go, Princess. We love you!"

"I love you too!"

"We'll see you soon."

"Okay.. Bye."

Jessica hangs her phone up and cries.

"I feel like a horrible daughter for leaving, but I know they understand that I just couldn't be married to Sam anymore.  I wish things were different, because I want nothing more than to have a perfect family with the man I was once in love with, and for my babies to live in the same neighborhood as their grandparents, but I can't!  At least not for a while.  I need to just make sure I'm not stressed, and then after I have them, maybe we'll go somewhere else... It just hurts me that it's just me and my babies... Yes Sarah's here, but they won't have a dad.. I can't let him be a father to my kids.  Over the past few months, it's just gotten worse and.. I can't have him in the picture.. I can't!"


After a while Jessica calmed down, and watched some tv to distract her.
The babies start kicking and Jessica smiles.
She places her hands on her bump and in a baby voice says, "What are you two doing?  Are you fighting in there?  Huh?  Be nice to each other!
You know, momma has to think of names for you guys.  Let's see.... Hmm, well I can't think of any right now.  I need two of the most perfect names, because you are the two most perfect babies In the world!  I love both so so much already, and I can't wait to see your perfect little faces."

While talking to the babies, she heard the doorbell and muted the tv.
Who could that be?

She walked over and slowly opened the door.
She gasped and immediately felt sick to her stomach.
"Hello Jessica." Sam looks at her with his devious smile.
"Wha-What are you doing here?"
"Oh I was just in the neighborhood." Jessica swallows and looks up at him with a terrified look in her eyes.
"Are you really that stupid, that you didn't think that this would be the first place I would look?  Do you think I'm that much of an idiot?"
"No..." She looks at him with big eyes.
"Sam, please leave."
"Oh I'm leaving.. but not without you."
"I'm not going, Sam."
"Yes you are.  Now, I don't want to hurt you, so let's go.  We'll get your things later."
"No Sam!  I'm not going with you!  I've had enough, and I can't do it anymore!"
"I'm staying here, and I don't want to ever see you again."
"You know, it would be different if it was just you, but it's not.  You have my babies, so you Will come with me!"
"If you raise your voice to me one more time, I swear I'll slap you straight across your face."
"Sam please leave.. Please!"
"Jessica, let's go!" He grabs her arm extremely tight and yanks her.
"Sam no!" She pulls away and starts to cry.
"What did I say?!" He yells and slaps her hard across her face.
"I'm sorry!  Please just go!  I'm not leaving with you!  I don't want to be with you anymore.. don't you see what you've done to me?!  You've treated me like shit, and you'll never change, Sam!"
He just looks at her and she continues to get out of his tight grip.
"LET GO OF ME!!!!" She screams at him.
Sam pulls her roughly to his body and looks straight in her eyes.
"You know what?  You're not worth my time.. The moment those babies are out of you, they're mine.. So enjoy them while you still can."
Jessica breathes heavy as she looks at him with big watery eyes.
Sam pushes her and lets go of her wrist, making her fall hard on her side to the ground.
Sam slams the door and leaves Jessica by herself bawling.
"Fuck!  *Whimpers* Ah ow!" She massages her wrist, but it hurts too bad to touch.
Suddenly she gets a sharp pain in her stomach.
"OW!" She grabs her belly.
"Oh my God.. No, please no!  Oh God, please!" She sobs.

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