My wish

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Hearing Sarah say how much Jessica meant to her, made Jessica feel something she's never felt before.

She didn't know if she should go down there, or not.

Suddenly she heard her baby cry, so she went back to her room to comfort him.

"You're okay baby, you're okay!

I know, this world can be scary sometimes... But mommy's right here.  There's no reason to cry." She bounces him as she talks in a soothing voice, then kisses his forehead.

Once he calmed down, she carefully laid him back in his bassinet and threw herself on her bed.

Her eyelids were heavy and she felt as though she had weight on her body.  She felt that she couldn't possibly stay up any longer, so as soon as she laid down, she passed out.

A while later Sarah came up and laid Addelyn beside Nathaniel, and saw that Jessica was out.

Poor thing!  Well hopefully she can at least get a few hours.


The next morning Sarah woke up and made breakfast.

Her phone went off and it was from her sister.

*Did you see this?*

It was a screen shot from a celebrity gossip page online.

"What the fuck?!" Sarah's eyes widen.

"When in the world did he take this?"

It was a picture of Nathaniel in his arms and a picture of Jessica looking down at Addelyn.

"Sam Shepard announces birth of twins.

Shepard says Lange gave birth at the woman's hospital in Manhattan, just last week.

Shepard shared the first photos of the newborns and said both mom and babies are doing well."

"That asshole!

He knows she doesn't want her kids in the spotlight!  She never even said anything about her being pregnant, no one would have even known if it wasn't for her being sixteen weeks along at that premier party.. What a jackass!"

"Who are you talking to, Sarah?" Jessica walks down with both babies in her arms.

"Oh uh.. Sorry.  No one.  Come sit down, I made breakfast."


Sarah sighs and says, "Here, let me take them so you can eat." She takes Nathaniel and lays him in the downstairs bassinet, then takes Addylen and does the same.

After she lays them down, she sits at the table across from Jessica.

"Sarah, I-"

"Let's not talk about it, Jess. It's forgotten about."

"But I think I-"

"Jessica, let's not do this.

You don't feel the same way, it's over and I'll move on."

A sad look appears in Jessica's eyes, and Sarah continues.

"I have to tell you something."

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