I'm not ready

331 18 4

One month old.

"This is your first outing, isn't it? You two are going with mommy and Sarah to the park! Are you so excited? I am!"

"So am I, mommy!" Sarah smiles.

Jessica laughs and says, "Hopefully it won't be a disaster!"

"Oh it won't be! It'll be fun!"


Sarah held Addylen and Jessica had Nathaniel as they sat on the park bench.

"This is nice.. I haven't been out in forever." Jessica says.

"I know.. It's very peaceful."

"Mhm.." She smiles and nods.



"I wanna take you on a date."

"A date?" Jessica smiles.

"Yeah! Your mom's coming in two weeks and I think we should go somewhere just the two of us."

"What would I tell her? I'm not ready to come out to anyone yet."

"Well I'm sure she'll us understand wanting to get out of the house for awhile. You don't have to tell her it's a date."

"What about paparazzi?"

Sarah looks down and doesn't say anything.

"Sar, I'm sorry. It's not that I'm ashamed, it's just that I don't know how to come out, and When to come out."

"Heh, Jess it's fine. But if I promise no one will know about us, will you go?"

"Of course! I really do want to be alone with you. I mean, most of our time spent together, I have a baby on my boobs."

"Heh! Well I'm not complaining about you always nursing." Sarah smirks.

"Stop it!" She smiles and looks away.


"What?" Jessica looks at her.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you are today?"

"Sarah!" She blushes.

"You are."

"Thanks." She smirks and looks down.


Two weeks later.

"If Nathan won't stop crying, put him in his carrier and sit it on the running washing machine. He likes the vibration. If Addy won't stop.. Well there's really not much you can do, she always cries."

"Alright." Dorothy chuckles.

Jessica looks at the babies with a sad face and Dorothy says, "It's just dinner, they'll be fine!"

"I'll miss them!"

"I know, baby, but try to go out and have fun. Have a drink!"

"Okay... Bye babies, I love you!" Jessica gives them both another kiss.

"Be good for grandma!"


Sarah drove to an out of the way restaurant, it was actually one of Jessica's favorites.

"You look so beautiful tonight."

"Thank you, so do you." Jessica smiles.

Jessica sipped on her drink and soon got giggly.

"Heh! I haven't had a drink in so long, it's already getting to me!"

Sarah laughs and takes her hand.

"You don't know how long I've dreamt about going on a date with you."

"Awe Sar!"

Seriously. Man, you won't believe the things that went on in my head!"

"I can only imagine!" Jessica laughs.

"Heh, yeah.. But we're here now.. and I'm so happy."

"Me too." Jessica smiles softly.


After dinner, Sarah and Jessica went out to the car.

Sarah leaned over and kissed her, and Jessica held her face pulling her closer.

Jessica moaned into Sarah, and laid her seat all the way back.

Sarah climbed over and put her knees on each side of her, then kissed down her neck and cleavage.

Jessica moaned and Sarah went back to her lips.

She placed her hand on Jessica's leg and slid her hand up her dress and onto her upper thigh.

Inching her way over, she cupped her center in her warm hand.

"Mmm.." Jessica moaned softly before pulling away from her lips.

Sarah looks closely into her eyes and Jessica said, "Not yet.

I'm sorry.. I'm just not ready yet."

"It's okay.  I understand."

"I'm sorry."

"No Jess, it's fine.  You just gave birth.. Take all the time you need." Jessica softly smiles and lightly nods her head.


Sorry this is boring, but I'm starting to get more ideas and I'm really excited! 😁☺️

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