Damn Cousins

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The next morning Jessica woke up to the beating of Danny's heart against her ear.
She looked up to him and smiled at the sight. Danny looked so cute when he slept.

Jessica slowly got out of bed, tiptoed to his dresser and grabbed a T-shirt of his to wear. She then walked down to the kitchen and started making him some breakfast.

When Danny woke up he walked down and saw her standing over a hot stove. Her hair was up in a messy bun, she was barefoot and she had yet to take a shower, but Danny thought she was absolutely perfect.

"Mornin." He said in his groggy morning voice.

Jessica turned when hearing his voice. "Oh hey! Did you sleep well?"

"Like a baby! You?"

"The same." Jessica smiles.

"Good. Mmm, something smells amazing!" Danny walks up behind her.  He held her waist and softly kissed her neck.

Jessica giggles at the feeling and slightly lifts her shoulders. "Hi sit down, it's ready!"

"You're so sweet. You didn't have to make me breakfast! I should have gotten up and made you something."

"No, it's fine! Eat up, honey." She smiles turning to serve him his plate.

"Thank you, precious."

"No problem!" Jessica pecks his lips.


After breakfast the couple laid on the couch for a bit, snuggling in each other's arms.

"I better get ready. My parents are probably waiting for me to pick up little miss."

"You're coming back though, right? You said we could spend the day together."

"Yeah baby, I'll be back!"

"Great! I have baby stuff so we just need the baby." Danny smiles.  "And I was gonna say, Don't forget you pj's, but you won't need them anyway!" He smirks.

"Hah! You're a mess, mister." Jessica smiles then kisses Danny on the lips.

"Mmm.." Danny moans into the kiss just as Jessica pulls away.

"What?  No, come back!" He pouts.

"I have to go get our daughter." Jessica laughs.

"Just leave your lips."

Jessica rolls her eyes and chuckles. "I'll be back!"


"Hey Alessia!  Mommy's home!" Jessica spoke to her in a baby voice.

Alessia swung her arms, kicked her legs and giggled.

"Oh you're so happy!  Did you miss me? Huh? Did you miss mama?"

"I think so!" Dorothy giggles at the baby's excitement.

Jessica takes her from her mother and kisses her cheeks. "Muah!  I love you, pretty girl!"

"You seem happy.  I'm guessing last night was a success?" Dorothy chuckled a little.

"Yes it was!" Jessica smiles. "Oh momma, I am so in love!  He loves me and everything about me.  He made my insecurities feel like it's something I should love and be proud of!"

"You should, honey!"

"Yeah!  I made three babies in my tummy!  It's earned the look it has now!"

"Wow!  I've never seen you this way, Jessica." Dorothy smiled.

"It's him.  That man has my whole heart, momma."

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