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"A divorce? You want a divorce?"

Sarah bites the inside of her cheek and nods her head.

"Sarah but I.. I love you."

"You love Danny."


"I see the way you look at him, Jess. It's okay. You deserve happiness.. even if it's not with me."

"No! Sarah.. Yes, I love him but-"

"No buts. I won't stand in your way. Sign the papers."

"No, listen to me! I love you both!"

"Well you can't have both! It's one or the other, Jessica."

"You can't make me chose now!" Jessica cries.

"I'm not. I'm making the decision for you. If you really loved me, you wouldn't think twice about this.. and I won't be with someone that isn't going to give me their full heart."


"Just give me the papers later." Sarah sighs. "Our time together is over, Jessica.. and you know it."

"No!  It can't be!"

"Goodbye, Jessica." Sarah walks out leaving her alone to cry by herself.

"Jess?" Danny says lightly knocking on the door.

"Come in." She says struggling to catch her breath.

"What happened?" Danny asks rushing to her side.

"She's divorcing me."

"Oh Jess!  I'm so sorry." Danny says giving her a hug.

"I'm so confused.. I hate myself so much!" Jessica sobs.

"No, don't hate yourself, sweetheart.."

"Danny.. sit down, I need to talk to you." Jessica sniffles.

Danny listens to her and sits.  He holds her hands and looks deep into her eyes.

"Danny, she thinks I love you."


"Because I do!  The problem is you think I love her!  The bigger problem is I love you Both!"


"No Danny, listen!  I know this is stupid, I know I'm a horrible person, but it is not the hormones, it's not the baby, this is just the way I feel! I love the both of you!  I want to love you and make love to you, but I also want the same with Sarah!  I hate myself for feeling this way.
I've lost Sarah and nothing I do will change her mind... and that crushes me but.. maybe it's for the best.. maybe this means we can try things out."

"Jess." Danny scoffs. "So now that Sarah gave you these papers you're going to settle for me?"

"No!  Didn't you hear what I just said?!" Jessica shouts. "I love you both!  I have to pick one and-"

"And because she left you're choosing me?"

"Danny will you just shut up?  I love you, Dammit!  I love you and I want to be with you now don't push me away!"

"I think what you need is to speak with a therapist, Jessica.  You're confused."

"I AM NOT!" Jessica screams.

"Jessica, you need to calm down.  A lot is happening right now and I think it's getting to you.  I don't want to be the reason yours and Sarah's marriage is ending.  I love you, and you know I do.. but this isn't right. You can't love two people at the same time."

"But I do. It's horrible, I know, but I do!"

"Speaking to a therapist will help you, Jessica. I'll be here for you the whole time.. as your friend."

Jessica looks at him as her tears roll down her cheeks.

"Am I crazy?"

"No.. no, you're not crazy. You've just been through a lot.. it'll get better. I think you need to be alone for a while. Just take a break from relationships and focus on yourself and the kids. You don't need anyone else right now... I'm going to stay in your guest bedroom from now on. Once she turns a month, I'm gonna go back to my place. I think that would be best."


"It's for the best."


Sarah's POV.

After leaving Jessica's house, Sarah drove to the nearest parking lot.  She parked her car and just sat there staring straight out the window.  Her marriage was over.  At one point she and Jessica were inseparable.  A divorce was something Sarah never thought would be in her future.

*Phone rings*

"Hey Lily." Sarah sniffles.

"Have you spoken to Jessica?"


"How'd it go?"

Sarah explained exactly what Jessica said to Lily.

"You know, Sar, Jessica is a friend of mine, but hearing that really makes me mad!  Who was there for her when she left Sam?  Who was there when she was toddling around at nine months pregnant with twins?  Who was there when she gave birth?  Who was there during those sleepless nights of feedings and diaper changes?"


"Yes!  Does she not remember that?"

"She says she loves us both.."

"How in the hell can you love two people at the same time?  I know that if someone did the things you did for her For Me, I wouldn't have to think twice about our relationship!  Jessica is the biggest bitch right now!  She's treating you horribly, she thinks it's a game and it's not!  Just because she had a baby with this man after a one night stand, doesn't mean she loves him!"

"Who are we to say who she can and cannot love?"

"It's ridiculous, Sarah!"

Sarah takes a deep breathe then wipes her tears.

"I have to get home to pack.  I'll be over there tomorrow morning.."

"Can you work like this?"

"I'm fine, Lily!"


"I'm sorry to snap at you.  Thank you for sticking with me through this whole thing.  I really appreciate it."

"Of course!  You be carful."

"I will.  I'll talk to you later."

"Love you!"

"Love you too.. Buh bye.."

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