Baby Brother

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A few hours later Dorothy arrived at the hospital with the twins.  They were all so excited to meet the baby.

"You're about to meet grandma, and your big brother and sister, baby boy!" Jessica says as she holds the baby skin to skin.

Jessica wanted to bond with the baby as much as she could, so this was a must!

"You look so beautiful with a baby." Sarah says.

"Thanks, babe." Jessica smiles softly. "So do you."

"Thanks.. he looks like me, doesn't he?"

"He does!  I think you have mama's lips, handsome." Jessica giggles.

Sarah smiles and lays back her head back on her pillow.  She then rests her eyes just until the kids arrive.

  She then rests her eyes just until the kids arrive

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"We're here, guys!" Sarah and Jessica hear Addelyn's voice.

"Hi, my loves!  Come meet the baby!"

"Oh my gosh!  It's so cute!" Addelyn squeals.

"Mommy, Why is it in your shirt?" Nathaniel asks.

"We're doing skin to skin.  Here, we're all done now." Jessica smiles softly and removes the baby from her shirt.

The twins then sit on each side of Jessica and she says, "Alright you two.  Are you ready?"

"Yes!  Is it a boy or a girl?!" Addelyn says barely able to contain her excitement.

"I want you both to meet your baby brother, Dylan!"

"What?!  I have a brother!" Nathaniel's eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh, I love you, Dylan!" Addelyn kisses his chubby cheek.

"Good job, momma!  He's cute!" Nathaniel smiles at Sarah.

"Thanks, honey!"

Jessica then looks up and gives Sarah a smile.
Both of their hearts were so full.



After having the baby, Sarah practically had no time off before filming in New Orleans.  It was pushed back slightly just for her, but of course not much.

As sad as they were to leave their family in Minnesota, they were ready to get to New Orleans and get to work.  Sarah's mother, Catherine was  going to be staying with them so she could watch the baby while they worked.

Sarah wanted him with her at all times, so Catherine agreed to stay with him in hers and Jessica's trailer.

As for the twins, they were going to be on a two week vacation with their father.  They were visiting Orlando Florida.  The kids were so excited to go to Disney World, but of course would miss Dylan terribly.

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