Ch. 16 - The demon record

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*Sky's POV*

"You do?" She asked with happiness written across her face, while she was holding me.

"Yes!" I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"I missed you Akane," I say holding on to her as tight as I can. "I missed you too, Sky." Then, we pulled out of the hug.

"Okay! Now that the reunion is over, we have to find out what happened to Aunt Eda." I nodded and said.

"Wait! How are we going to do that if, we have nothing?" I questioned, and she had her thinking face on. When we were kids, Akane would always have this weird thinking face on.

I can see she didn't change a lot, except for her appearance. Her hair is a shorter, and her outfit is a lot darker. I can see that she's stronger now then before. She used to be really shy but now, I see that she is more confident in herself. I wish I can be more confident like her.

"The demon records." She said with a determined smile.

"The what?" I said confused. What the hell is that? I think I have heard it before?

"The demon records is a book. It has a list of every demon who died, and who killed them. I'm thinking that if we get the demon records, we can find out what happened to aunt Eda, and who killed her," Okay, all we have to do is get the book. That should be easy. "But, the demon records is in the north part of town, it's where the stronger level demons will be. So, you'll need this." She threw an object at me, and I caught it.

When I looked at it more closely , I realized that it was my sword. How the hell did she get this? She seemed to sense my confusion and said.

"When I came to get you, I saw Amaimon with your sword. So I took it secretly, without you knowing." I nodded, understanding and sighed sadly, I wonder how everybody's doing? Shiemi, Rin, my Mom - everybody.

*Rin's POV*

It's been almost three weeks since Sky was kidnapped by Amaimon.

During those three weeks, I haven't been the same. Yukio and Shiemi have been trying to cheer me up but, it's not working.

I should have been stronger, to protect her! WHY WASN'T I STRONGER! I punched a hole in the wall of me and Yuki's room, and left to go to class.

Even though, Shiemi is trying to cheer me up, she hasn't been herself either. She wasn't the same happy cheery Shiemi I use to know, and she is a lot more quiet.

The exams have been cancelled so, we just went back to going to our regular classes.

When Sky's Mother, Akiko found out about the news let's just say - she was REALLY PISSED.


Me, Yuki, and Shiemi went to Mephisto's office to talk about what we were going to do with the Sky situation.

"How could you let your own brother take Sky!" Shiemi said with anger, clearly shown on her face.

"He double crossed me." Mephisto, sat there not saying a lot. I knew that he was pissed but, he didn't show it.  What did he mean by he double crossed him?

I was about to say something but, I was cut off  when the door was kicked open. We all jumped back in surprise, as we see that there was a women standing there, rage filling her eyes, as she stepped forward.

"MEPHISTO!" she ran towards him, grabbed him by the neck, and pinned him against the wall.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Me and Yukio looked at each other scared and confused.

Just who is this women? She looks like Sky. Could she be Sky's mother? Or could she be someone that is close to Sky?

"Umm - guys who is she?" I say to Yukio and Shiemi, while hiding behind Yukio because, of how scary this person is.

"That's Sky's mother Akiko."

"I exposed her to who she is, Akiko. She was gonna find out sooner or later. Stop treating her like she's a little child. This is all your fault. You should have been training her for what's about to happen instead of hiding her from it. You can hate me all you want but, at the end of the day, you know I'm right."

Akiko looked down at the ground feeling conflicted. I think she knew that he was right but, Mephisto must have know how she felt when she was doing this. This happened to me too. The old fart wanted nothing more than to give me a happy life, without all this demon stuff.

"I know - I know." Then they stood in that position for as long as I can remember.

*flashback over*

While I was walking to class, I couldn't help but look at the sky. I promise you Skylar Nightingale - I will find you, and I will bring you home to where you belong.

*Sky's POV*

Akane and I were half way through the forest, when a demon girl stood in front  of us, blocking our way.

We pulled out our weapons, alarmed by  her presence immediately. Everything she was wearing was dark purple. Even her hair was purple! But, what stood out the most was her black wings - shining brightly in the moonlight.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she had a sick grin on face, looking at us like her first instinct is to kill. "Akane Victoria and Skylar Nightingale." I stood in a stance, looking at her with a hard look on my face while, Akane looked at her with a shocked look.

"How do you know me?" I asked with confusion written on my face. I have never seen this girl but, it seems like she knows me.

"Well, who could forget the future Queen of Gehenna, and I can't forget about my precious student." I looked at Akane in shock. Akane used to be a student of hers?

"Nice to see you to - Sakura." Akane glared at her with a burning passion, and a little bit of betrayal.

"So, tell me. Why bother coming back? You know your not wanted here." A lot of tension filled the air between those two. They must have shared a lot of history for them to be looking at each other like that.

"We came here to get the demon record, and we're not leaving without it."

"Sorry, no can do. The demon record never leaves this place. So, if you want it. Your gonna have to go through me first!" She started laughing like a maniac, as black orbs shot out of her hands, and started heading towards us.

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