Ch. 5 - The blue and purple night

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*Sky's POV*

I woke up with someone shaking me. I sat up, and gasped. I looked around the room frantically untill, my eyes land on Rin, who has a worried expression on his face

"Rin, what are you doing here?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"I heard you screaming so, I came to check up on you, are you okay?" I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. Rin comes and lays down beside me, and wraps his arms around me. For some odd reason, I feel safe in Rin's arms. I feel - warm.

"Do you want to tell me why your crying?" He asked worried.

"I just had a bad dream. You don't have to stay with me, I'm probably bothering you anyway." I say with tears still streaming down my face.

"You could never bother me, and I'm staying with you and that's final." I look at him shocked, and he just smiles at me.

Having him here was nice. We spent most of the night, talking and laughing, then we both ended up falling asleep. I never felt so close to someone like this before, and to be honest - it scared me.

"Okay class, I will be handing out your test results, make sure you look over it to see what you got wrong." Me, Shiemi, and Rin were in class getting our test results back. Yukio started calling people up.

I look over to see Shiemi excited - a little too excited. Rin notices to, and starts looking at her weirdly.

"Shiemi why are you so excited?" I ask

"Because of the test. I know that I got a good grade on this test." The test was about medicine, Shiemi told me that her grandma used to teach her this back at their garden, when she was little.

"You know this test is not a big deal, right? It's just a quiz." I nodded agreeing with Rin.

"I know but, I can't help but feel excited."

"Moriyama." Shiemi stood up with a brave look in her eyes, and went to go get her test. While she was talking to Yukio, turned around to look at Rin and say.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for last night." I blushed and looked away but, I could tell from the corner of my eye, he was looking at me.

"No problem, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." I looked at him and smiled but, I think he was blushing a little. I wasn't sure, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.

I then noticed that Rin was staring at me for a long time.

"Uh, is there something on my face?" He had this weird look in his eyes, I can't really explain it.

"No, I'm just looking at you." I gave him this weird smile and said.

"Okay then." Shiemi came back to her seat looking sad.

"Hey, what did you get?" Shiemi didn't say anything, and gave me her paper. Me and Rin looked at the paper, and saw that she got a 41%. Rin started laughing and said.

"And you thought that you got a good grade." Rin continued to laugh, and I hit him on the arm. Before I could say anything, someone beat me to it.

"OKUMURA!" We all turned around to see Yukio, with an angry look on his face. We stared at him and sweat dropped.

" He looks more strict than usual." I whispered to Shiemi, and she nodded looking a little scared. Rin got up and went to go get his test.

" I can't believe you got this mark." Yukio stared at him in disappointment, and gave him his paper back. Rin looked at the paper, and sweat dropped. Rin came back to his seat, and gave us his paper. We looked and saw that he got a 2%.

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