Ch. 29 - Stop Time pt. 2

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*Shiemi's POV*

I looked up to the sky to see Rin, Sky, and Yukio riding on Kuro as I was tending to Shura's wounds.

Rin, Sky, Yuki - please come back safe.

*Sky's POV*

Red lasers shot out of the gate, destroying buildings.

"Damn it!"

"Watch out!" We looked to see demons headed our way.

"Hang on tight!" Kuro warned us as he was trying to dodge them. Me and Yukio destroyed them by using his gun and my bow and arrow.

Rin jumped off of Kuro to destroyed more demons. After that, he started falling and I gasped in fear. But just in time, Kuro ended up catching Rin. I sighed in relief.

"Thanks a lot Kuro."

"You guys have to focus your attack on the gate."

"With them in the way? They're just going to keep coming back and blocking the shot." Rin nodded agreeing with me as we looked at the gate.

*Bon's POV*

"Create a sun?"

"We're gonna direct the sunlight from here to the Japan bridge. That way, we can help everyone their and keep those things from getting to everyone else in the Vatican." Everyone along with the exorcist helped with the position so that the plan can work perfectly.

"We're ready over here!" I raised my hand up and said.

"Alright! Let's do this." We looked to see light headed our way and onto the mirror.

"Here it comes!"

"Take cover!" Me and Shima opened the door to let the demons in. The demons went straight towards the light and got destroyed.

*Sky's POV*

We looked back to see light coming from the school.

"What the hell was that light?"


"Guys the demons are moving away from the gate." The demons moved away and created an opening. Now's our chance.

"Their distracted by the light, now Rin!"

"Right! Here goes nothing." Kuro charged towards the gate. Me and Yukio attacked the demons.

Kuro bumped into a demon, causing us all to fall, mostly Rin.

"RIN!" We screamed as he kept on falling. Then I got an idea. I used my purple flames to push myself towards Rin.


"GRAB MY HAND!" He reached out to me and I reached out to him. As soon as our hands met, we created a bird like shape with our flames.



"GRAB ONTO ME!" He grabbed my hand and our bird became larger. We used our strength to charged towards the gate.

"Are you ready for this?"

"Yeah, let's do this!" Me and Rin said at the same time. We all held Rin's sword as we came closer to the gate.

We hit the gate above the eyes.


"We don't give a damn about your dreams."

"We just want to protect- "

"The people we care about." I said, pissed off.

"And the world we live in."

"WE WILL ALWAYS PROTECT THEM!" We said as the flames spread through out the gate causing it to be destroyed.



"Hey guys!" We walked up to the gang as they looked happy to see us.

"Hey they're alive."

"They made it back in one piece." Bon looking angry, blurted out.

"You are such a dumb ass." We all looked at Bon and sweat dropped as he started beating on him.

"Hey! Leave my boyfriend alone!" Bon completely ignored me as he said.

"You like making us worry about you or something," Bon let go of Rin, causing him to gasp for air and me going to his side, asking him if he's okay. "What happened to Satan and Katsuo?" Rin looked up at the sky as I said.

"They went back to Gehenna, I guess but theirs a chance that they'll come back. Who knows."

"Oh yeah?"

"Sky, Rin, Yukio!" We look to see Shiemi, Mom, and Shura standing there.


"YOU GUYS COULD HAVE DIED!" We look at Shiemi and my mom in fear. Then they ran to us, giving us hugs.

"Don't worry us like that again." We felt tears on our shoulders and we smiled and hugged back.

"We won't do it again, I promise." They let go as we went inside the school.

*Three days Later*

I laid down on the grass as I looked up at the sky. A lot of things happened during these past three days. The school was under construction due to the damage it took because of the big fight, but we still had classes and everything was coming back to normal. Every weekend, I would always go and visit my mom to hang out with her, sometimes I would bring Rin with me as well. The more I did that, the more they got along and I couldn't be happier. Rin and Yukio ended up finding out their mother and father's past on how they fell in love.

Me and Rin are still going strong with our relationship and speaking of relationships, Shiemi and Yukio started dating. News hit me and my mom when we found out that Satan and Katsuo were overthrown by the demons and put into jail. Sakura ended up becoming the queen and everyone was happy about it, so she must be doing the job well. Akane and I are still friends in fact, we visit each other once and a while to hang out. Akane and Sakura started dating as well and I was so happy for them, I just hope that Sakura doesn't hurt her like she did before.

Ever since the fight ended, I haven't been able to contact Mami. I just wish I got the chance to tell her that I forgive her for all that she has done. I get why she did what she did. She has been alone her whole life with no one to care for her, all she wanted was the life that I had and she never got that chance. I just wanted to say goodbye one last time.

"Hey we got to head to class." I looked to see Rin standing behind me, I stood up and jumped on his back as we laughed and walked to class.

"I forgive you." I gasp and look up to the sky and I smiled. Mami. 

"Hey are you okay?" I nodded as I said.

"Yeah, let's go."


Hey everyone it's MidnightAngel29 here, I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book. It got a THOUSAND READS!!! and I'm so happy and shocked about that because I was not proud of some parts in the book. But anyways, thank you again!!

This is the end of Consumed by darkness and I'm not planing on making a sequel on it. But I am planing on making a fanfic on Vampire Knight so check that out when it comes out, which will be soon.

I hope you guys liked/enjoyed this fan fiction and I'll see you guys soon in my next fanfic.

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