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Its one of my favourite fanfics and its NOT my own.


"Why haven't we had a girl's night so long!?" Caroline Forbes exclaimed after dropping her blue sleeping bag on the floor of the Gilbert living room. "I'm pretty sure the chick flicks and the manicure kits will be covered in spider webs from net being used!"

Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett walked into the living room; Elena carrying a stack of DVDs and Bonnie had her hands full with bowls of chips and lollies.

"It may have something to do with vampire, werewolf, hybird, witch problems." Elena said with a smile.

Bonnie laughed. "Yeah, between trying to kill Klaus and Elena's vampire transformation, we really haven't had time to be 'normal' teenage girls."

"Well from now on, we have to try to have more fun. Do you two even remember what fun is?"

Elena grimaced. "I don't think Stefan or Damon are interested in having fun."

Caroline snorted. "That's exactly my point! Thats why I've given up on boys. I'm just going to focus on myself and you two."

"What aout Tyler?" Bonnie asked, referring to Caroline's half vampire, half werewolf boyfriend, Tyler Lookwood.

Caroline took a chip from the bowl. "I broke up with him yesterday." She said in a small voice. Elena and Bonnie gasped and moved closer to Caroline.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" They both said in unison.

Caroline made a noise in frustation. "Because as I've just said, I'm focusing on myself. I don't even care that prom is coming up because I will be going dateless:" Elena and Bonnie stared at their best friend wide-eyed.

"Caroline, this is Senior Prom. You can't tell me 'Miss Mystic Falls' Caroline Forbes will be going dateless to Senior Prom."

"Watch me." She said with a smirk. Elena and Bonnie shook their heads. Elena wished she was as confident. Things with Stefan and Damon had gotten almost unbearable since her transition into a vampire. The Salvatore brothers were being overbearing and positively annoying. Elena didn't know how she was supposed to feel knowing she had met Damon first. Mostly she felt like they were the ones deciding who she should choose and not really caring how she felt. Deciding which one to be with was going to be difficult.

Elena put her head in her hands. "How am I going to choose between Stefan and Damon as my prom date?"

Caroline shook her head. "Maybe you shouldn't choose either of them and go dateless like me." Elena thought about it. Would that create more problems than  it would solve?

"I guess I could. It would mean less drama." Elena said.

Bonnie sighed. "I might be joining you two there. I haven't worked things out with Jeremy yet and Jamie hasn't returned any of my calls since Klaus threatened to kill him."

"Well that's settled. The three of us will just go together. We don't need dates to have a good time! Sound good?" Caroline asked the others.

Elena and Bonnie nodded, smiling. "That sounds great." The three girls hugged. When they pulled apart, Caroline turned to the stack of DVDs.

"Now I think we should watch 'Love Actually' first." The girls laughed and suggled down into their sleeping bags to watch the British romantic comedy.


"Come on Elijah, put down your knitting and come have a drink with us." Kol moaned as he and the other Mikealson siblings, Klaus and Rebekah, stood in the doorway to their large mansion. Elijah barely looked up from his novel.

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